Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
Yes, comrade Jon.
Excellent! So we have established that Stone and Flynn are guilty of real crimes - not 'made up' ones. That viewpoint is not only clear and unambiguous (dangerous ground, I know) but also has the advantage of being TRUE!

Unless you are claiming that the FBI, Justice dept and the rest are 'commies'?

By 'commies' I assume you mean a Stalinist state bureaucracy, a privileged caste of officials, who have no interest in or understanding of communism, (they tend to frame and kill real communists) but want to perpetuate their own status and relative power and wealth?

If you do mean that isn't it ironic that it is the Trump cabal that collaborated with the ex-commies of Putin's Russia to influence the 2016 election in his favour - on the back of hundreds of documented contacts and at least 28 face-to-face meetings with Putin's representatives. Note I didn't say colluded, because that would be outrageous and (and the Scottish courts would say) unproven. In fact it would be a hoax, the Russia Collusion Hoax - almost as scandalous as the Climate Change Hoax or the Covid 19 Hoax.