Quote Originally Posted by IanD View Post
Have you got Power of Attorney set up? A shed load of paperwork but very, very useful when it comes to any financial dealings such as deferred payment. Also, depending on the value of the house, care costs can outstrip asset value in a matter of years.4 years on an average house. I looked into deffered payment for my dad. £350 in legal fees to set up. Plus an annual charge equivelant to 1.5% for ongoing fees/interest payable to the council on sale. This is in England (Dudley) last checked 18 months ago. Costs will vary across councils. Important that any siblings understand that the council will have a financial interest in the house (it is a type of equity release) and that all understand the financial arrangements your mum is setting up. I found Cardiff Council most helpful. Bad news is that you have to be on the ball to be effective in the process with understanding the system the main challenge. Age Cymru are very good at pointing in the right direction.
Good luck.
Yes fortunately we have POA in place, before my mum's dementia set in.
With Cardiff there's a £330 set up charge, then no interest providing you pay back with 56 days of the end of the contract. The house is in a holiday area so we are renting it out to help with her funding, trying hard to avoid selling it as it's an investment for myself and brothers in the long run as well as generating income now.
Thank you