Quote Originally Posted by chrisp_1927 View Post
How about if Labour promised to go after the ingrained wealth in the country. Nationalise the assets of grosvenor estates, earl of Plymouth etc. All these scumbags who have billions and billions of land because 800 years ago their ancestors knew the Queen. Personally , my impression of the Labour Party is that if you work hard and earn good money they will tax the hell out of you. But they're no better at taxing the super rich than the tories are. At least the tories are upfront about their bootlicking subservience to the super rich ��.

A pitch of ' we're going after unfair wealth to help us all, but if you work hard we'll leave you alone' . It would certainly get my vote.

Who do you know has worked hard and who hasn't though? How do you account for people who've inherited money or had expensive public schooling and have done better because of that?

The probalem is with all of this it ignores that some people have an easier start to life and a headstart and others don't.

I don't actually think Labour wants to go after people who work hard they actually want to go after the very people you want them to go after. That's why the media are so against them, or any non tory party.

The tories actually go after the real hard workers, hence the squeezed middle and work classes while multi millionaires get away with everything.

The problems in our country start and end with inequality.