Some fantastic advice given to you here by fellow bluebirds

Your wife is clearly suffering from either a dementia type illness such as vascular dementia , my mother has this ......or she has alzheimers , a form of dementia ........she could possibly have delirium.......or she has recurring urine infections

You are clearly under a great deal of stress and your wife needs to be seen by an experienced mental health professional

She is a danger to herself and to you

Phone the Llanfair unit at Llandough hospital in Cardiff if you are in Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan

These people are the experts in elderly mental health . They are headed by a team of psychiatrists who will send out a team of nurses to assess your wife , report back to the doctors and a diagnosis will be formed and a treatment plan made which may include medication and a ct scan to see if your wife has dementia

Phone them NOW

They will advise you . A referral usually has to come from a GP but sometimes they act very quickly if you contact them yourself. You must say you are frightened , anxious , depressed and are having very frightening thoughts . This is beyond the help of a GP .

My mother was seen by the older person's mental health team last March and was given a diagnosis of severe anxiety , delirium and vascular dementia .

Phone them now , I will find the number for you