Quote Originally Posted by Trigger View Post
He doesn't owe us anything I suppose but I do think as a current Wales legend who get a lot of support from our club he maybe could have done us a favour and ended speculation a long while ago.

He's from here, his fam are, he would have known how much BS was being out out there and the fans will always run with it.

I don't see the harm in saying he had no interest. I don't see how we would have been any sort of choice to mull over, either he'd have wanted to come play here or not, he would have really wanted to for reasons beyond what the club can offer.

He'd have known a long time ago he wasn't ever coming here, not really. And that's fine, just press that BS button.
I don't think that is actually true though. Judging by the articles coming out today, initially we were very much in the frame. They all talk about the 'lure' of the lafc deal he has been offered something that he couldn't turn down. It certainly isn't the base salary so will be interested to see how it plays out. Seems pretty likely he extends the deal and becomes a designated player for a couple of seasons but I can't help but think there is more.

Hopefully Morison is a genius and we go up this year then we string Bale along all summer with a massive deal and then **** him off at the last minute.