Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
You Tories, understandably I suppose, seem to have given up on trying to back the Westminster Government and are now trying to tell people that it’s really the Welsh Government that is to blame for the shambles of the last fourteen years.

Picture the scene at the annual meeting between the leaders of the Welsh and UK Governments where the former tells the latter how big the budget they will receive for the upcoming year is going to be. The UK Government feebly tries to reduce how much they have to give to the Welsh, but are given short shrift and told to stop bleating and pay up.

If that really were the case, then maybe you and the multis in this thread may have a point, but we all know it isn’t. You seem to have a problem with the concept of the partial independence Wales has - as I keep saying, any Welsh Government representing any party cannot be wholly blamed for our standard of living (worse than in 2010 according to plenty of studies I’ve posted links to on here in recent months) in Wales if they are not wholly independent from the UK.
Usual culture warrior start by going with "you Tories", creating an "us and them" to the argument.

Pointing out that the WG has tax raising powers doesn't make someone a Tory, it just makes them correct.

I am pro-devolution. Criticism of the WG doesn't make someone anti- devolution, and you know it. That's your second 'culture war' argument of the post. Again, wrong.

No one is wholly blaming the Welsh Govt at all. What I am saying is that they should be held partially responsible, esp in devolved areas. This idea that endless new money would solve the problem doesnt hold water, esp when we perform way below England despite having more spent on us per person.

What I don't understand is why so many people are so unable to criticise Welsh Govt performance despite the evidence staring us in the face.