I see the important questions haven't been answered such as the currency and the deficit Wales has over England yet still some believe independence is preferable. Mention is made of the Severn Barrage. I doubt it will ever happen even if it makes more sense now than it did 40 years ago when the scheme was first suggested. Other grandiose schemes such as the Severnside Airport won't happen either for the same reason - finance. However, such schemes would be even less likely to happen if Wales were independent; there simply would not be the finance as those in Wales would already be taxed to the hilt to help with the deficit which would probably be a requirement of the UK government if the pound became the currency and also would reinforce the fact Wales could never be truly independent. Wales could never meet the stringent economic requirements of the EU either so the euro would not be an option. The main scheme that is needed - the M4 improvement around Newport - could and should happen but, wait a minute, politics seems to have got in the way. If there was the political will that scheme would be built but it seems the Welsh government are against it even though the scheme would provide jobs by promoting industrial development. So, even if independence were to happen (which it won't) could the politicians be trusted to do the right thing?