Quote Originally Posted by delmbox View Post
The point I'm trying to make is that although some people like to put graphics up saying comparing it to other diseases which weren't reported in the same way, the fact remains that countries across the world are taking unprecedented steps to combat it which suggests that isn't the media lie that they suggest.

Yes, guy from school on Facebook who never left my home town, congratulations on sharing the fact that you know that flu currently kills a lot more than the coronavirus. I'm going to take more notice of the actions of governments advised by medical experts though ta
OK, fair enough and I agree that it is pointless comparing this with cancer and diabetes as some are doing.

However, I also agree that the news outlets are not giving out many facts other than number of cases, number of deaths. Number of recoveries is also important.

Also, I'd like to hear more from those that have recovered. Were they very sick, were they not sick at all?

And, I'd like to know more about the cases in Italy, are people's symptoms getting worse - i.e. is the illness mutating. The death rate in Italy is 39% of closed cases, worldwide that is 6% but that is factoring in the Chinese lies, Iranian lies. South Korea is 19%. UK is 25% at the moment. But, is that because we don't consider a person recovered until they test negative etc, or is it because there is something else going on?

Once I get all these sorts of facts, I can make a decision about whether or not this is something I need to lose sleep over.

I also think some countries should be left off these stats because their accuracy is in question.