Quote Originally Posted by Eric the Half a Bee View Post
Far less is still too much. That goes for any discrimination due to skin colour, sexuality, gender, religion etc. We should never stop calling people out for this until the day arrives where there is no discrimination at all and everyone is free to be who they are. I don't believe there is any fixation on this, more that people aren't afraid to stand up to arseholes who discriminate.
Surely that goes for any crime though? Burglaries ruin lives. I know my mum and dad were burgled before I was born. They moved cities as a result. She said the fear of having her home violated stayed with her for life. So any crime is one too many.

But that doesn't mean things should be reported as something if they arent. Racist abuse is understandably ranging from upsetting to devastating to victims but if it hasn't happened all we are doing is amplifying the pain, no? It's like reporting a crime that hasn't happened. Theres no benefits to that whatsoever.

There's an interesting article here (there's many others) that list references to racism in four US media outlets since the 1970s, with an explosion in it whilst actual racism by almost any metric reduces.


Racism is awful and intolerable but we don't need the media inflaming it when it hasn't even happened.