Quote Originally Posted by delmbox View Post
Here's something I've always wondered about the whole heaven/hell thing - say I'm a believer and I know Christ and live a perfect, devout life and get into heaven. But say my partner, who I love dearly, doesn't believe and doesn't get to go to heaven. Do I then live the rest of eternity in heaven, knowing that she's spending eternity in hell or purgatory? Because to be honest I'd find that quite upsetting and not very heavenly at all. How does that work?
As a Christian I have wrestled with this thought myself. I can only conclude that heaven is nothing like anything we humans can conceive of i.e. will we have no memory of the time before we died and simply enjoy a peaceful, pain-free, war-free existence in some sort of spirit form? The Bible talks of a heavenly "body" and Jesus said there would be no marriages in heaven but there is some controversy over this: did he mean that people who get to heaven don't marry there or did he mean that people who were married in their earthly life don't stay married in heaven! It's one of those questions that can't be answered unfortunately. BTW I often wonder why non-believers get upset with notions of heaven and eternal life - surely it is irrelevant to them?