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Thread: Easing of restrictions tomorrow?

  1. #26

    Re: Easing of restrictions tomorrow?

    Quote Originally Posted by goats View Post
    It’s out there, you do the research and brush up on your maths whilst at it. The weather is too nice to waste on this nonsense.
    Kids have been proven to have a very low chance of getting it as you well know, only 3 under 15’s have even died from it. 50 die in road traffic accidents in a similar time period so shall we not drive anywhere also? Life is full of risks. My kids won’t be going back until September when the school is ready, that does rely on cardiff city council and your buddy doing actual work so you never know might not happen. I love having my kids home, it’s the best time but I know kids need social interaction. I trust you have no kids?
    You brought it up, I assumed you could back it up with evidence. You've wasted enough time on here chatting shit, I don't see how posting a link would take much more time.

    You "trust" wrong, as usual I've got a 4 year old girl who is meant to be starting school in September. This is a crucial time for her to pick up things in nursery (especially that social interaction thing that you mentioned) before heading to a more educationally-focussed setting... so I'm obviously anxious and worried about her education, just like every other parent is at this time.

    The key thing that I've considered it that all of the kids her age will be in the same boat as each other. Rushing them back before the correct precautions are in place would be dangerous for them and the staff.

    Slagging off Welsh Govt. and Cardiff Council for wanting to make sure it's safe and practical for them to return makes no sense to me. But it's up to you how you perceive it.

    "Kids have been proven to have a very low chance of getting it as you well know, only 3 under 15’s have even died from it". They have a low mortality rate, yes... But we don't fully know how many kids have had Covid and the impact that it's had. Bit rich of you to tell me what I know... but I'm just glad you can now admit that kids can get Covid instead of categorically stating that they can't.

    We can continue this petty disagreement if you want to keep pretending that you've got me sussed about my politics and about my views on Mark Drakeford (whom I've criticised several times... Including in this thread) and I'll keep coming back at you in kind... Or we can leave it here like adults?

    I'm half responsible for the pettiness between us and I can be very petty on here... But I can also put the spats behind me (if your name isn't Wales Bales).

    It's up to you what you want to do.

  2. #27
    Join Date
    Apr 2019

    Re: Easing of restrictions tomorrow?

    Quote Originally Posted by goats View Post
    only 3 under 15’s have even died from it.
    Only hey?

  3. #28

    Re: Easing of restrictions tomorrow?

    Quote Originally Posted by goats View Post
    It’s out there, you do the research and brush up on your maths whilst at it. The weather is too nice to waste on this nonsense.
    Kids have been proven to have a very low chance of getting it as you well know, only 3 under 15’s have even died from it. 50 die in road traffic accidents in a similar time period so shall we not drive anywhere also? Life is full of risks. My kids won’t be going back until September when the school is ready, that does rely on cardiff city council and your buddy doing actual work so you never know might not happen. I love having my kids home, it’s the best time but I know kids need social interaction. I trust you have no kids?
    my oldest can go back to school on monday, she is in year 12, they are splitting the year into 2 groups, 1 group monday and tuesday , wednesday to deep clean the school and then group 2 thursday and friday

    we are still discussing it at the mo

  4. #29

    Re: Easing of restrictions tomorrow?

    Quote Originally Posted by CCFCC3PO View Post
    Only hey?
    Yes unfortunately people, even kids, have been known to die in this world before covid19. Shocking I know. Pull down the shutters hey and see you in five years

  5. #30
    Join Date
    Apr 2019

    Re: Easing of restrictions tomorrow?

    Quote Originally Posted by goats View Post
    Yes unfortunately people, even kids, have been known to die in this world before covid19. Shocking I know. Pull down the shutters hey and see you in five years
    A great way to divert from the description of 3 under 15s dying as "only". I guess you knew none of these kids so they are but mere numbers to score political points for you.

  6. #31

    Re: Easing of restrictions tomorrow?

    Quote Originally Posted by blue matt View Post
    my oldest can go back to school on monday, she is in year 12, they are splitting the year into 2 groups, 1 group monday and tuesday , wednesday to deep clean the school and then group 2 thursday and friday

    we are still discussing it at the mo
    Are you happy for them to go back Matt? I think I would, my six year old probably doesn’t need to until sept, 8 year old could prob do with a few days in.....it won’t happen here in Wales though.

  7. #32

    Re: Easing of restrictions tomorrow?

    Quote Originally Posted by CCFCC3PO View Post
    A great way to divert from the description of 3 under 15s dying as "only". I guess you knew none of these kids so they are but mere numbers to score political points for you.
    Don’t be a dickkk everyday of your pointless existence

  8. #33
    Join Date
    Apr 2019

    Re: Easing of restrictions tomorrow?

    Quote Originally Posted by goats View Post
    Are you happy for them to go back Matt? I think I would, my six year old probably doesn’t need to until sept, 8 year old could prob do with a few days in.....it won’t happen here in Wales though.
    What won't happen in Wales?

  9. #34
    Join Date
    Apr 2019

    Re: Easing of restrictions tomorrow?

    Quote Originally Posted by goats View Post
    Don’t be a dickkk everyday of your pointless existence
    Hey, I don't go around saying ONLY 3 kids have died of this virus as if that is some mark of success.

  10. #35

    Re: Easing of restrictions tomorrow?

    Quote Originally Posted by CCFCC3PO View Post
    Hey, I don't go around saying ONLY 3 kids have died of this virus as if that is some mark of success.
    You talk shiiiit all the time, who were you on here before your latest guise? Another new username coz you are a weirdo. You know what I meant, I’m describing a low number. Three isn’t good but it’s very low compared to those over 75 u freak

  11. #36

    Re: Easing of restrictions tomorrow?

    Quote Originally Posted by goats View Post
    Yes my two kids haven’t really seen there grandparents in 10 weeks either......not nice for either
    Anyone been to the supermarket ? You're probably 100x more likely to get CV19 in Tesco compared with sitting in the garden talking to your children/grandchildren whilst keeping 2m apart.
    Then again, rules are rules, and the people must obey..

  12. #37

    Re: Easing of restrictions tomorrow?

    Quote Originally Posted by A Quiet Monkfish View Post
    Anyone been to the supermarket ? You're probably 100x more likely to get CV19 in Tesco compared with sitting in the garden talking to your children/grandchildren whilst keeping 2m apart.
    Then again, rules are rules, and the people must obey..
    Yeah, but you can't eat your kids so I guess we need the supermarkets to be open so we don't feckin starve.

    Scotland are announcing an easing of their rules tomorrow, allowing people to meet those from other households outside. Wales and Scotland seem to be on a similar page on Covid so I would expect to see something similar in Wales.

  13. #38

    Re: Easing of restrictions tomorrow?

    Thank God we live in Wales I say, with sensible governance. I'm hoping the lockdown continues; let's not give this twat of a virus a second chance through stupidity and impatience

  14. #39

    Re: Easing of restrictions tomorrow?

    Quote Originally Posted by goats View Post
    Are you happy for them to go back Matt? I think I would, my six year old probably doesn’t need to until sept, 8 year old could prob do with a few days in.....it won’t happen here in Wales though.
    we are still not sure, as 17yr olds they should understand social distancing and she has been out with her boyfriend a few times and they have walked 2m away from each other, they have sat on our front lawn and sat apart ( more likely 5 M apart to be fair ) she has had a few picnics with her friends ( with social distancing of course, each stuck to there own picnic blanket )

    She has been working hard at home ( unlike her sister who has struggled to get motivated for school work ) and her course is mainly assignment based, she has handed in 2 during lockdown and got her Distinctions so she doesnt need to go in for the educational side of things

    the school has gone rather quiet in the last few days, so not sure whats going down with it all

    honestly we dont have a clue , just watching BoJo's briefing, secondary schools will be june the 15th, so another 2 weeks time to give us a bit more time to decide

  15. #40

    Re: Easing of restrictions tomorrow?

    I'm done with listening to the rules if they don't give us some sensible freedom from Monday. They will probably keep playing political games though.

    Where I live there are packs of up to 30 blokes/boys (16-60) on bikes drinking and doing what they want. My neighbours are having parties on their balconies, most people are just doing as they please and I'm free to stand in line at B&Q if I want.

    All I want to do is drive 15 minutes to the nearest deserted beach with my dog as I did every day before lockdown which now makes me public enemy number one.

  16. #41

    Re: Easing of restrictions tomorrow?

    just to add, my neighbors and their guests and their guests children are now outside together doing the clap thing 🤨

  17. #42

    Re: Easing of restrictions tomorrow?

    Quote Originally Posted by Philo2 View Post
    just to add, my neighbors and their guests and their guests children are now outside together doing the clap thing ��
    Buy an air rifle.

  18. #43

    Re: Easing of restrictions tomorrow?

    Quote Originally Posted by Philo2 View Post
    I'm done with listening to the rules if they don't give us some sensible freedom from Monday. They will probably keep playing political games though.

    Where I live there are packs of up to 30 blokes/boys (16-60) on bikes drinking and doing what they want. My neighbours are having parties on their balconies, most people are just doing as they please and I'm free to stand in line at B&Q if I want.

    All I want to do is drive 15 minutes to the nearest deserted beach with my dog as I did every day before lockdown which now makes me public enemy number one.
    The 'new normal' - government locks the people up whenever they consider it's in the public interest..

  19. #44

    Re: Easing of restrictions tomorrow?

    Quote Originally Posted by goats View Post
    All the lefties I know tend to be the still living at home with mummy types mid 40’s, no kids, never had a proper job
    Crikey. Virtually all of the lefties I know are teachers, lecturers, NHS workers, even well off people with their own businesses.

    Most of the right wing people I know are those of lesser intelligence who won't even acknowledge anything factual and prefer their own opinions, regardless of how wrong they are. Most of them have no idea about the economy.

  20. #45

    Re: Easing of restrictions tomorrow?

    What time are we likely to hear something ?

  21. #46

    Re: Easing of restrictions tomorrow?

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric the Half a Bee View Post
    Crikey. Virtually all of the lefties I know are teachers, lecturers, NHS workers, even well off people with their own businesses.

    Most of the right wing people I know are those of lesser intelligence who won't even acknowledge anything factual and prefer their own opinions, regardless of how wrong they are. Most of them have no idea about the economy.
    Leftie business owners? Yeah righto

  22. #47
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Baku, Azerbaijan

    Re: Easing of restrictions tomorrow?

    What I don't get is that seeing how much of the last 3 months that the children have been off school, why can't when the go back, stay in school through august or part of it?
    I recall reading somewhere that it was suggested but that the teachers unions veto'd it, something to do with teachers holidays or something but I cannot believe that.
    so why can't they be in school through august and catch up, specially the poor buggers who have exams next year,

  23. #48

    Re: Easing of restrictions tomorrow?

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    What I don't get is that seeing how much of the last 3 months that the children have been off school, why can't when the go back, stay in school through august or part of it?
    I recall reading somewhere that it was suggested but that the teachers unions veto'd it, something to do with teachers holidays or something but I cannot believe that.
    so why can't they be in school through august and catch up, specially the poor buggers who have exams next year,
    Because they’ve been locked in for 11 weeks and counting.

    Poor ****ers are going stir crazy, especially the ones observing the restrictions.

    And now you want to take their six weeks holidays off them?

    I assume you haven’t got young children?

  24. #49

    Re: Easing of restrictions tomorrow?

    Quote Originally Posted by J R Hartley View Post
    Leftie business owners? Yeah righto
    Surprisingly so. It seems like a given that those who chase money and profits must be on the political right but that's not entirely true. There are bosses out there who look after their staff and value their product before huge wads of cash. There are bosses who have no issue with paying taxes and contributing to society in that way.

  25. #50
    Join Date
    Apr 2019

    Re: Easing of restrictions tomorrow?

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    What I don't get is that seeing how much of the last 3 months that the children have been off school, why can't when the go back, stay in school through august or part of it?
    I recall reading somewhere that it was suggested but that the teachers unions veto'd it, something to do with teachers holidays or something but I cannot believe that.
    so why can't they be in school through august and catch up, specially the poor buggers who have exams next year,
    They haven't been off school. Most have been learning at home. I know my nephew has been studying hard through this and is practically studying 8 hours a day Mon- Fri.

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