Its ok for Gary Neville to take the moral high ground now that he has stopped playing. He didnt say much when he was playing.
This problem has to be stamped out and there is enough money sloshing about in football to sort this.
Top clubs should pay security firms to send properly trained staff into the crowd and jump on people who display this behaviour and take them before the courts. Take the fight back to these people and you will see how brave they are.It would soon stop because basically they are cowards hiding behind safety in numbers.
For Neville to bring politics into this is way off the mark . most of the ones doing it have no idea which party are in power and I cant see brexit being high on their list of topics of conversation.
if football can pay players massive wages they can pay for this as well and protect their players and the game in general.
We need to be more pro active. Talking and internal investigations will solve nothing.