Quote Originally Posted by jon1959 View Post
That will be a factor in any investigation. I have no idea if they knew each other; if one or both of them were connected to counterfeit money; or if they were at the end of a plot by China to undermine Donald Trump's election campaign - which I think covers all the hares you have tried to set running.

I do know that there is a concerted effort by the alt right and white supremacist online community - the one you follow so slavishly - to make out that George Floyd was not a victim but somehow complicit in his own murder. That is the narrative you are promoting and it is why I asked how you think the basic 'story' is changed?

This is still a sickening example (on the back of so many others) of a white police officer choking an African-American man to death whilst in his control or custody. 'I can't breathe' has history - as does Trump's crass tweet threatening the protesters. This is about police brutality, racism and injustice. It isn't about nightclubs and dodgy greenbacks.
What's it like to be so morally righteous bro? In the meantime people are dying and getting seriously injured in George's name as America burns, while you are busy virtue signaling away in all your sanctimonious glory. You have a habit of declaring what other people must be thinking, as though you are some kind of mind-reader or a member of the thought police, yet have no qualms about cheering on the victimisation of innocent people if it suits your ideological agenda. In reality, you are just a leftist political hack, and a very conflicted person.