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Thread: Aeroplane Over The Etihad

  1. #201

    Re: Aeroplane Over The Etihad

    Quote Originally Posted by Pedro de la Rosa View Post
    Black people are paid less, and are in poorer jobs comparatively compared to their skill set. There is systematic and deep rooted racism in this country. You think Windrush would have happened to white people?
    Report by cardiff university out today about systematic and institutionalised racism in wales in terms of healthcare , social opportunities , housing and employment

    But what do professors at universities know when you have facebook and social media

  2. #202

    Re: Aeroplane Over The Etihad

    Quote Originally Posted by Baloo View Post
    I was in the park just this afternoon and two old couples nearby were discussing the protests. One piped-up that if black people wanted equal rights they should first go out and get an education.
    You can forgive pensioners but when people a lot younger than that come out with such nonsense you realise how deep seated racism in this country is

  3. #203
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    Re: Aeroplane Over The Etihad

    Quote Originally Posted by WJ99mobile View Post
    What do you mean in terms of the UK?

    I understand the problems in America, but here? As a country the UK has progressed so so far from 40 years ago
    Utter, utter bollocks - Windrush anyone?

  4. #204
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    Re: Aeroplane Over The Etihad

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    Same for me I worked in west bute street for years everyone got on fine , can't honestly say I've seen ever seen or heard anything racist , if I had I had I would have intervened and tried to stop it .
    Anecdotes? I have never worked in West Bute Street but I have seen many examples of overt racism. I was at college with a guy who was in the BNP (Chelsea fan) who constantly reminisced about beating up "pakis" in Southall. Utterly vile. Don't tell me there is no racism in the UK.

    Have you heard of "institutionalized" racism? It's difficult to "see" but it's pervasive. How do you intend to intervene?

  5. #205

    Re: Aeroplane Over The Etihad

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    Same for me I worked in west bute street for years everyone got on fine , can't honestly say I've seen ever seen or heard anything racist , if I had I had I would have intervened and tried to stop it .
    You have used 'natural born UK citizens' as a synonym for white people on here, so forgive me if I don't believe you could recognise a racist comment when you heard it.

  6. #206

    Re: Aeroplane Over The Etihad

    Quote Originally Posted by az city View Post
    Anecdotes? I have never worked in West Bute Street but I have seen many examples of overt racism. I was at college with a guy who was in the BNP (Chelsea fan) who constantly reminisced about beating up "pakis" in Southall. Utterly vile. Don't tell me there is no racism in the UK.

    Have you heard of "institutionalized" racism? It's difficult to "see" but it's pervasive. How do you intend to intervene?
    Closer to home went on a supporters club bus from bridgend to coventry to see cardiff

    As we were driving through hill fields, a predominantly asian area of coventry several guys on the bus banged the windows when we passed an asian person and one was mocking the accent of an asian shop keeper saying " get out of my shop " , about as racist as you can get suggesting all corner shops are run by Pakistanis.......which is bollocks as most of them are run by patels , indian people

    I fecking blew my top turned round and said you are all wankers coming out with all that racist crap , this is a supporters club bus ff sake , it's got a code of conduct , reported em to steward , he did feck all so I went back to my seat gave em the finger and sat down , one twat said oh it's only a joke mun so I told him to feck off as well

    Reported it to supporters club , heard nothing

  7. #207

    Re: Aeroplane Over The Etihad

    Quote Originally Posted by trampie09 View Post
    Birdwatch, I seen what you did there, I thought that bloke in the bushes broke a 'moral' code.
    Asking a lady to put her dog on a lead? Google Amy Cooper and see what she did. She could have easily got Christian Copper killed.

  8. #208

    Re: Aeroplane Over The Etihad

    It's a shame, but I feel like have to post this again.
    Attached Images Attached Images

  9. #209
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    Re: Aeroplane Over The Etihad

    Quote Originally Posted by NYCBlue View Post
    It's a shame, but I feel like have to post this again.
    Fair play. That's is kind of beautiful.

  10. #210

    Re: Aeroplane Over The Etihad

    Quote Originally Posted by blue lewj View Post
    I joined it to question the gammon name that was in the second post in the thread.

    If you didn't like me mentioning it or thought it took the thread off track then replying to me doesn't help. I actually gave my opinion on the subject matter in the first sentence of my first post.

    You say it is the red face that people are drawing attention to. Do you think a black man would be described as a gammon? If you do then we will have to disagree.
    If it is specifically aimed at white people purely because of the colour of their skin, regardless of political leanings, then again we'll have to disagree.
    I took a lot of time to put my last message to you together, but reading this reply, I feel like it was time wasted. I'm just going to say one more thing on "gammon" and then I'm finished with this particular discussion.

    There was something on Twitter and You Tube a few years back highlighting about ten of the audience in an episode of Question Time whose appearance was very similar - they were all middle aged or older, they were all men, they all had ruddy complexions, they all appeared to be very agitated and they all had the same opinion on Brexit.

    Now, if they had all been sat together and right in the middle of them was a black man who was agreeing with everything they were saying and then said his piece to great applause from the others, then I wouldn't think to myself "they're gammon except for the black bloke", I would just think "they're gammon", so, for me at least, the colour of the skin is not as important as their opinion.

    Moving on to more general matters, it seems to me that there are a lot of people who think of a racist as someone who behaves and speaks in a manner which says they may as well have "I'm a racist" stamped to their forehead. I'll admit that until their last few weeks, I was one of them, but I'd say that one of the lessons from the aftermath of George Floyd's death is that the penny has dropped for at least some of those who thought that - racism is more subtle than that and I'm coming around to thinking that "institutionalised racism" is not too strong a description for what we have in this country.

    I accept that many of those saying that they aren't racist are being genuine when they say that - they abhor the sort of stereotypical racist I mentioned above, but the problem some of them apparently have with the concept of BLM is revealing. On the radio yesterday I heard the thinking behind BLM alluded to in a way which, for me, captured what that movement is about - when people said "save the whale", was it taken to mean that they meant it should be saved at the expense of every other species? Of course they didn't, that didn't need saying and yet some are expecting that needless proviso from BLM backers now.

  11. #211

    Re: Aeroplane Over The Etihad

    Quote Originally Posted by The Lone Gunman View Post
    I guess that's true in some respects, but what they have also done is highlight just how big the problem is in this country and expose plenty of individuals for what they really are. That's no bad thing in my opinion.

    What's been happening in the UK in recent years hasn't been happening by accident. The sooner everybody faces up to the realities of the situation, the better things will be in the long term.
    I've just read through this thread and will make a few comments:

    I am surprised that no-one has mentioned the fact that a few days ago three white people were murdered by a Libyan terrorist, and a lot more were injured. All were white. Was it a racist attack or just coincidence?

    A few years a go I went to get some specialist work done to a satellite system. It was in Birmingham. Other than the staff at the centre I saw no white people in the few hours I was there. I went to a shop to get a newspaper and I was laughed at for requesting an English language newspaper. I felt uneasy and was completely at odds in the area.

    The proprietor at the centre told me that he no longer takes work on a Friday because he's close to a mosque and people's cars completely black the entrance to his workshop. He made it clear that the locals want him out of the area so that they can expand the mosque. It was racism but turned on its head

    If black people feel as uneasy as I did when in predominantly white areas they have my complete sympathy.

  12. #212

    Re: Aeroplane Over The Etihad

    Quote Originally Posted by lisvaneblue View Post
    I've just read through this thread and will make a few comments:

    I am surprised that no-one has mentioned the fact that a few days ago three white people were murdered by a Libyan terrorist, and a lot more were injured. All were white. Was it a racist attack or just coincidence?

    A few years a go I went to get some specialist work done to a satellite system. It was in Birmingham. Other than the staff at the centre I saw no white people in the few hours I was there. I went to a shop to get a newspaper and I was laughed at for requesting an English language newspaper. I felt uneasy and was completely at odds in the area.

    The proprietor at the centre told me that he no longer takes work on a Friday because he's close to a mosque and people's cars completely black the entrance to his workshop. He made it clear that the locals want him out of the area so that they can expand the mosque. It was racism but turned on its head

    If black people feel as uneasy as I did when in predominantly white areas they have my complete sympathy.
    Jesus ****...

    Another point, what newspaper were you buying?

  13. #213

    Re: Aeroplane Over The Etihad

    Quote Originally Posted by blue lewj View Post
    By your reckoning if a Golliwog was the brain child of a black person then it would be fine as would the name and label attached to it.
    Is it me or has this board become almost surreal in recent weeks?

  14. #214

    Re: Aeroplane Over The Etihad

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric the Half a Bee View Post
    It is beyond question that black people in a predominantly white western world suffer racism. This has gone on for centuries. Black people have usually had to play second best.Yet again another black person suffered at the hands of a racist policeman, losing his life. Black lives matter is simply that we should all unite and say we've had enough of racism towards black people. It is to show solidarity.

    I support BLM as I'm fed up to the back teeth of racism by my own white people towards black and ethnic minorites, regardless of how casual and innocuous it is. I support their right to be equal to white people and to live without fear.

    I do not say that black lives are more important, or suggest others are less important. I don't tolerate racism from any sources.

    What I don't accept is this tag line of white lives matter or all lives matter IN RESPONSE to black lives matter. Almost everyone who comes out with all lives matter or the new white lives matter will not support black lives matter. These are missing the point. BLM is asking everyone to support the end of racism towards black people yet so many won't support this particular aim. Instead they twist the argument to say they want all lives to matter, unable to side with those wanting an end of racism towards black people.

    One day, perhaps after years of suffering racism, white people will feel a need to want to stop being the victim of racism and then, by all means, have a campaign. But to use white or all lives matter as a response to a request for everyone to agree that black lives matter is crass, ill-judged and shows how divided the country still is over race. A friend of mine said to me that this BLM/all lives thing shouldn't be about race, but he's wrong. It's about striving for an end to racial hatred towards people due to the colour of their skin. Either you support that and be proud to say Black Lives Matter or you don't.
    Eric, I've got black friends, always have. I'm from Grangetown. But you say BLM and Premier League plaster it over every shirt, say WLM and Burnley want to ban the fan for life. Absolute ridiculous. BLM are a far left party, hence the support for them by many on here. Fact, black lives lost to murder are committed by other blacks. Riot and looting in the apartment store in US after the killing was black people. Rioting over here, pulling down statues, demanding others are taken down, Churchill needed to be boarded up. No, this BLM movement needs crushing. They are big trouble brewing. Enoch was right all those years ago.

  15. #215

    Re: Aeroplane Over The Etihad

    Quote Originally Posted by WJ99mobile View Post
    I wasn’t expecting that response but I suppose I can’t really comment on racism in the UK if I’m not black; but personally I’ve never actually encountered or seen anything racist myself here.
    Never encountered or seen anything racist in Brexit Britain. Surreal.

  16. #216

    Re: Aeroplane Over The Etihad

    Quote Originally Posted by lisvaneblue View Post
    I am surprised that no-one has mentioned the fact that a few days ago three white people were murdered by a Libyan terrorist, and a lot more were injured. All were white.
    Out of interest, how do you know that?

  17. #217

    Re: Aeroplane Over The Etihad

    Quote Originally Posted by Talksport View Post
    BLM are a far left party, hence the support for them by many on here.
    BLM is a far left party? Really? I wasn't aware of that. What elections has this party fielded candidates in?

  18. #218

    Re: Aeroplane Over The Etihad

    Quote Originally Posted by lisvaneblue View Post
    The proprietor at the centre told me that he no longer takes work on a Friday because he's close to a mosque and people's cars completely black the entrance to his workshop.
    A Freudian slip perhaps?

  19. #219

    Re: Aeroplane Over The Etihad

    Quote Originally Posted by Talksport View Post
    Eric, I've got black friends, always have. I'm from Grangetown. But you say BLM and Premier League plaster it over every shirt, say WLM and Burnley want to ban the fan for life. Absolute ridiculous. BLM are a far left party, hence the support for them by many on here. Fact, black lives lost to murder are committed by other blacks. Riot and looting in the apartment store in US after the killing was black people. Rioting over here, pulling down statues, demanding others are taken down, Churchill needed to be boarded up. No, this BLM movement needs crushing. They are big trouble brewing. Enoch was right all those years ago.
    More than 50 years have passed since Enoch Powell made his so-called 'Rivers of Blood' speech and in that speech he quoted someone saying to him that "In this country in 15 or 20 years' time the black man will have the whip hand over the white man".
    All in all, Powell wasn't right at all.
    Black people are seeking equality and justice. They are hardly making the River Tiber foam with blood, which was something else that he alluded to.

  20. #220

    Re: Aeroplane Over The Etihad

    Quote Originally Posted by The Lone Gunman View Post
    A Freudian slip perhaps?

    Beat me to it

  21. #221

    Re: Aeroplane Over The Etihad

    Quote Originally Posted by lisvaneblue View Post
    I've just read through this thread and will make a few comments:

    I am surprised that no-one has mentioned the fact that a few days ago three white people were murdered by a Libyan terrorist, and a lot more were injured. All were white. Was it a racist attack or just coincidence?

    A few years a go I went to get some specialist work done to a satellite system. It was in Birmingham. Other than the staff at the centre I saw no white people in the few hours I was there. I went to a shop to get a newspaper and I was laughed at for requesting an English language newspaper. I felt uneasy and was completely at odds in the area.

    The proprietor at the centre told me that he no longer takes work on a Friday because he's close to a mosque and people's cars completely black the entrance to his workshop. He made it clear that the locals want him out of the area so that they can expand the mosque. It was racism but turned on its head

    If black people feel as uneasy as I did when in predominantly white areas they have my complete sympathy.
    Piss off.

  22. #222
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    Re: Aeroplane Over The Etihad

    Quote Originally Posted by lisvaneblue View Post
    I've just read through this thread and will make a few comments:

    I am surprised that no-one has mentioned the fact that a few days ago three white people were murdered by a Libyan terrorist, and a lot more were injured. All were white. Was it a racist attack or just coincidence?

    A few years a go I went to get some specialist work done to a satellite system. It was in Birmingham. Other than the staff at the centre I saw no white people in the few hours I was there. I went to a shop to get a newspaper and I was laughed at for requesting an English language newspaper. I felt uneasy and was completely at odds in the area.

    The proprietor at the centre told me that he no longer takes work on a Friday because he's close to a mosque and people's cars completely black the entrance to his workshop. He made it clear that the locals want him out of the area so that they can expand the mosque. It was racism but turned on its head

    If black people feel as uneasy as I did when in predominantly white areas they have my complete sympathy.
    Not interested in the rest of your post but it wasn't that guy's fault, he had mental health issues that the NHS hadn't addressed because of the mishandling of the virus, and he wouldn't have been able to stab so many so quickly if they had been properly observing lockdown social distancing and been at least 2 metres apart.

  23. #223

    Re: Aeroplane Over The Etihad

    Quote Originally Posted by Talksport View Post
    Eric, I've got black friends, always have. I'm from Grangetown. But you say BLM and Premier League plaster it over every shirt, say WLM and Burnley want to ban the fan for life. Absolute ridiculous. BLM are a far left party, hence the support for them by many on here. Fact, black lives lost to murder are committed by other blacks. Riot and looting in the apartment store in US after the killing was black people. Rioting over here, pulling down statues, demanding others are taken down, Churchill needed to be boarded up. No, this BLM movement needs crushing. They are big trouble brewing. Enoch was right all those years ago.

    What’s your view on the Statue Defence League / Britain First and similar groups who were playing up a few weekends ago?

    Do they need “crushing” too?

    Genuine question.

  24. #224

    Re: Aeroplane Over The Etihad

    No charges for the time being, probably for the best.
    Police say Burnley 'White Lives Matter' stunt not a criminal offence
    Lancashire police say ‘there are no criminal offences that have been disclosed at this time’
    Burnley plane.jpg
    And a quote from Marx to lighten the mood...
    Humanity is not at its best when racist. A madness at the heart of racism
    was captured in a letter Groucho Marx wrote to an exclusive country
    club that had just barred his family from its swimming pool as it did not
    admit Jews. Marx wrote to the club, referring to his daughter Melinda,
    and asked, ‘Since my daughter is only half-Jewish would it be alright if
    she went in the pool only up to her waist?’

  25. #225

    Re: Aeroplane Over The Etihad

    The Burnley captain was superb.

    Really depressing reading some of these posts.

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