Quote Originally Posted by lisvaneblue View Post
You really are a muddled thinker Sludge. So you can't be a Christian and a Tory you say? Where's the evidence

The evidence is that the tories are against the welfare state, therefore happy to see people struggle , therefore that goes against what being a Christian is supposed to do , therfore , nope

Jesus was a good bloke you say, so you know what we did to him? We nailed him to a tree, speared his stomach and left him to die.

If he existed , it appears he was charismatic, kind chap . I didn't nail him to a cross and there is no evidence that anyone called Jesus was crucified , the books say so but were written ages after his apparent death

You trust paracetamol because it cures your headache you say. If I explained the pharmacological action of the drug at cellular level you'd say I was talking a lot of unbelievable nonsense, just like you say about the bible.

It definitely reduces my pain and the pain of most people who take it for the pain its suggested for . That's a fact . Jesus isn't.

If you are going to judge something you need to consider the evidence from both sides in an unbiased way.

Science provides us with evidence to judge , that's why dna is so valuable in court cases . You can swear on the bible but still lie . Scientific facts don't lie , no evidence yet proves that God exists .

And do you think the NASA rover has landed on Mars or is it just a big con, because all the video evidence could be faked? Or do you have faith in the people at NASA that what they are saying is true
I have 150 percent evidence that man has gone into space .

You , again , has provided zero evidence that God exists . Please try .