Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
Clearly pubs do play a part, it is undeniable, but my concern is that they will always be the first to be blamed and the first things to be 'outlawed' in efforts to control this, but office and factories can be just as culpable, witness what happened on Anglesey.
Lots of people who air their opinions in the media were demanding that pubs be closed to protect schools before the schools had even opened.
As I said, they are easy targets, but they and places like them, restaurants cafes etc, employ a huge number of people that are largely forgotten about in the uproar.
People aren't getting as pissed in factories, restaurants and cafés though, meaning it should be easier to implement the social distancing. There were a group of students sat behind me blowing through the holes in my booth (so that I felt it on my head and neck) a couple of weeks ago to try to wind me up... I didn't even consider at the time the potential for spreading Covid, just that they were lucky that all they got was a threat to stop before they had their heads kicked in.

Covid can be spread in any indoor environment, but pubs are rife for people not abiding by social distancing and not acting safely. I say this as a person who has been to the pub several times and also gone to Munich and several bars there since lockdown has lifted. I'm a pub enthusiast who acts responsibly when I go into an establishment and I still think they're unsafe as you can't predict the behaviour of others.