what a great thread, My youngest was talking about all the sports i used to do last week, i guess it kept me out of trouble

My oldest daughter had to do a questionnaire over lockdown about what sports people have done in younger years and does it relate to injuries and the state of our bodies, i am of the opinion i wore my body out, i guess kit wasnt as good as it is now, so your body took more abuse

Football ....... yes, in my youth, a no-nonsense CB

Rugby ....... forced to play in school, told if i didnt play i couldnt play for the football team

Cricket ....... used to go to cricket with a mate, it was ok

Basketball ...... played in school and for a club after school, i was ok at it, i am fairly tall, so had a headstart

American Football .... when the game was 1st on C4 i was in school, so we played a little, i enjoyed it

Swimming ....... not bad, i was a fully training lifeguard in my younger years

Running , after school i got well into it, ran 1/2 marathons, never did a full one, which i slightly regret, couldnt do it now, my knees have gone

Cycling , went hand in hand with running, i used to mountain bike, I had a place in the welsh mountain biking stage of the UKMB champs ( they used to give slots to locals ) i trained had been training for about 18 months, a few weeks before the race, I came of my bike on the coastal path at sully and ripped apart 4 /6 tendons at my ankle , this resulted in my leg in plaster for a few months, that was it, MB was over for me, occasionally cycle the canal tow paths with the kids

Squash , Badminton etc ....... used to play Badminton after school, i enjoyed it, Squash was always for the rich in my eyes

Martial Arts ......represented Wales at Judo

Mountain Climbing ....... looks too dangerous, even a climbing wall scares me

Caving ....... Im too big for caving

Gym ...... Used to bodybuild a little, my workmate ( on the same van ) used to complete at national level and i got dragged into it a little, i wanted to do it clean, so it was never going to work, made some nice money from the juice though , also went through a spell of doing circuit training ( mainly to meet girls )

Hang Gliding ....... not a hope in hell

Paragliding ......see above

Abseiling..... nope, out of my control

Scuba diving ...... backpacked around Asia then onto Australia, did a taster scuba dive at the Great barrier reef from Cairns, i loved it, backpacked down the coast, got to Sydney and thought, Oh i'll throw my hat into Scuba, did it for 8 months and became a PADI Dive instructor , came home with the intention of continuing it, some great WW2 shipwrecks up in scotland, went to local dive club, had a chat, told them i was a PADI dive instructor, the reply was " oh thats ok, we will teach you to dive properly " ( its a UK scuba joke, the uk follows the BSAC route, fair enough, but i was still feeling the love for PADI, i took it the wrong way and left, in hindsight, i can now see it was just a joke )

Surfing ........Love it, from a lad on a very cheap board down cornwall, to surfing in Oz, to back surfing here in Devon / Cornwall, the surf scene has no social barriers, doesnt matter if you are rich and will drive home in a £30K car or a old banger, the sea doesnt care

Golf ....... Used to play pitch and putt around south wales, when i could drive the lads would pop to the driving range, but never played on a full size course, always appeared to be for the rich, me being a boy from barry would never fit in

Hiking up to pen y van ....... Something i fancy is hiking, i fancy setting of from point a and walking to point b over a few days, camping along the way, when my oldest started her DofE gold i was so jealous of her doing a 5 days hike ( back in my day, barry boys comp never did D of E , or if they did, my mum wouldnt have been able to afford the boots and kit )