Quote Originally Posted by CCFCC3PO View Post
Anti-vaxxers are some of the stupidest people on the planet. Only flat earthers come closer.

The irritating thing is that they get the benefits from mass vaccinations and then use that to "prove" that because they haven't had the disease then vaccinations weren't necessary at all.

This, amusingly but tragically, falls over in the Bible belt in America because there is a significant proportion of people who are "anti-vaxxers" and that has led to resurgence in viruses like measles which would be practically eradicated if not for these ideological prats.
I have an American friend in the States who is otherwise a very intelligent and worldy lady - but who has just posted on Facebook a request that her friends pray for her cousin in Michigan as he hit a deer while driving and he is now on life support.
How is that meant to work? Is the god that allowed it to happen in the first place more responsive to undoing things if there are sufficient prayers generated by Facebook users?

It reminded me of when there was an earthquake in Italy which caused many people to perish but a survivor thanked 'God' for saving her.

Great logic.