Quote Originally Posted by blue matt View Post
never done Glasto, i did Reading for a good few years back to back

i regret not doing glasto though, past 2 years ive tried to get tickets, sure its not going to be the same as it would have beem when i was in my 20's, but i can now take the splitty and camp in style

i had hopes to go to camper calling this year, though we were flying in from the Miami the day before, plan was to get home, jump in the van and go, its all be postponed though, Manics have said they will play it next year, so might do it next year, it has a few older decent bands and might be a good 1st festival for my girls

I am also going to go to a festival where feeder are playing next year feeders greatest hits have been my soundtrack of lockdown
Surprised you never did it Matt, it was like a week long rave....used to go up on the Monday pm and leave the following one. My body couldn’t take that sort of abuse anymore. I’m just glad I survived some of the ridiculous stuff that went on. One year a normal looking dude with his misses camped right next to about 50 of us, he basically supplied us with E’s the whole time, god knows how many he had on him....Some nights no sleep at all up in the stone circle, random gigs at 4am in a tent in a field I’m not sure where it was even (massive attack and toots and Maytals), pear cider at the world music stage saw a young Amy winehouse there, so many DJs in the glade which was our general base during the week there. Finding my car after 7 days of fear and loathing was a mission, in 2002 I gave up trying to find it....