Quote Originally Posted by MacAdder View Post
Working from home has its drawbacks, Internet speed, claustrophobia, interruptions, same 4 walls... as well as the tedium of net meetings.

Feck all compared to you heroes out there!
I salute you all ��
I know how much of a waste of space I'd have been even thirty or forty years ago when I was much fitter than I am now doing the sort of work talked about in this thread, so I join in with your salute, but how about a word for people working in takeaways in this sort of weather? Back during that lovely spell we had in 2018, I went to my favourite chippy around here on a sweltering day and had to wait about ten minutes for a new lot of chips to be fried. By the time, they'd been done, I was genuinely feeling decidedly queasy because the air I was breathing in was not just warm, it was hot - it only took me a few minutes to feel so ill, yet the poor so and so's working there had to put up with that for hours on end.