Quote Originally Posted by Eric Cartman View Post
Do you think leave would have won without anti immigrant rhetoric? No doubt that lots of people had other motivations to vote Brexit but without some of the more scummy farage anti immigrant campaigning I dont think they break 50%.

Low wages + benefits system disincentivising people to have more than 2 children = reliance on migration to pay for growing retired demographic. People are slowly realising that now.
Those that voted brexit on the pretence of taking our borders back .....absolutely loads of brexit voters .....must be wondering wtf ? now the right wing anti immigration rhetoric has , under the conservatives led to a year on year INCREASE of immigration !

Who are they going to vote for now ?

It would be funny if it wasn't such a serious subject

I think acceptance that the world is changing and managing immigration sensibly ......rather than all this close the borders , stop the boats cobblers .....is the only way to deal with the post brexit cobblers

I wish people would stop fannying about and just admit they don't like foriegners