Quote Originally Posted by Taunton Blue Genie View Post
Last year I was on the overnight train from Baku, Azerbaijan to Tbilisi, Georgia.
Having been allocated my seat and and overnight sleeping compartment I seemed to miss out on sharing with the three attractive young and leggy Russian ladies (I saw them in their skimpy version of jim-jams) and I shared my compartment with a young Azeri man who seemed traded modestly in cheap clothing and shoes. Although we didn't have a common language we shared our food and made very rudimentary conversation which culminated in our showing each other photos from our mobile phones. I showed him some of the countryside around Somerset and he showed me a video of his illegitimate baby son, who lived with his Russian mother in Moscow. The video consisted of him lifting up the baby and 'affectionately' blowing raspberries on the baby's winky!
Wow I did not see that coming.
How did you react?