Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
Our scientist pal who gave an exact date of March 23, 2023, for the magnetic north pole to reach the 40 degrees mark has provided another update, which is embedded below.

He's been tracking the drift for over a decade and 4.5 years ago pinpointed March 2023. Later he showboated to predict the above date.

In this video he bemoans the loss of his main sponsor - who used to provide £500 per month in funding - who likely closed his wallet on March 24. He begs again for others to step up.

He says the drift has returned, after reversing for a while, and is 13.4 miles away from the 40 degrees, the closest it has ever been.

He resisted declaring a new date, preferring to say it's "very close."

Well he suckered you big time.