Quote Originally Posted by Rjk View Post
Is that it all done and dusted then?
I think this could drag on for a long time. Obviously it is only fair to allow recounts where the various state laws permit this. However if after all that Biden does win and Trump was a normal rational person he would graciously accept defeat and move along. Sadly he is not and things could get very ugly. Hopefully some of those closest to him will be able to make him see sense but unfortunately there is a vast army of Trump devotees out there who happily accept that the election has been rigged - because their leader says it was. I think once a population distrusts the integrity of the democratic process then this becomes a very dangerous situation which could go far beyond the usual looting of designer goods stores (or is it only Democrats who do that sort of thing?).

IMO the whole electoral system in the USA needs revision to a one man - one vote system. Forget this electoral college nonsense!