Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
Right at the start, the man asking the question of Philp states that Congo and Rwanda are neighbouring countries, so what is the point of the MP’s question, “rhetorical “ or otherwise?

I’ve just searched “Chris Philp Rwanda” on the browser Safari and the results show that it’s not the non story that just one contributor to this thread is trying to make it out to be - incidentally, I see the I article I put a link to which listed other gaffes by the accident prone Mr Philp did not get a response from the one person in this thread who thinks what the MP said was perfectly fair and reasonable.
More than anything I just disagree with you labelling people "thick" and misrepresenting what happened based on a programme you didn't watch and the sharing of a video edited to end before the questioned was answered.

It suits your narrative and that's why you did it. Not an interest in the pursuit of truth. It's gutter politics IMO.

And as I said earlier. I don't for one second believe you think he believes Rwanda and DR Congo are the same country any more than Susan Hall thinks she will be the next Labour mayor or Diane Abbott thinks you can employ a police officer for £100 a year or whatever she said.

The irony is these kind of videos and the kind of posts you made will be made throughout politics nationally and globally and it's why populism rises. Short, snappy and unrepresentative videos designed fundamentally to mislead.

Well done! Lock her up! Sleepy Joe! The Politician doesn't know Rwanda from Congo! etc etc. It's all the same playbook. We all lose because there are plenty like you on the right too.