Quote Originally Posted by stevebrickman View Post
It’s all a bit confusing when you start, but we are in a period of great opportunity, and it doesn’t pay to sit on your hands.
I would compare it to the dot com boom of the late 90s, except this time around its a lot easier for retail investors to get a piece of the pie.

For the uninitiated, a good starting point is to read Blockchain Revolution by Don Tapscott. It explains in depth how we are moving from the internet of information to the internet of value.

It will also help you to understand how and why cryptocurrencies and native tokens have a different kind of value to traditional fiat currencies, which seems to be the thing a lot of people struggle with. Get away from the idea that crypto will replace fiat currencies. In practical terms, it won't. And don't think BTC is the be all and end all of crypto, either. There are (IMO) far more interesting projects being developed as we speak: Theta and VET (already mentioned in this thread) are just two of many.

Next, I would spend time reading the Cointelegraph and Coindesk blogs. Don't worry if none of it makes sense at first, just keep familiarizing yourself with the terminology and concepts and Google what you don't understand. Even if you're not interested in investing, it's still good to understand the technology that is going to shape much of the world's digital infrastructure over the next 10 years.

As Steve says, there is an incredible window of opportunity right now to "get in at the bottom". Is it a volatile area? Yes. Would I recommend you drop 10 large ones on a meme coin? No. But in among the hype and the hot air, there are some seriously interesting projects that are solving real world problems, and there is a great chance right now to capitalize on them.