Quote Originally Posted by MOZZER2 View Post
so then just to deviate slightly i see the democrats are out to 'GET' trump after January the 20'th if he fails to over turn the result

as you lot know more than me what has trump done in the last 4 years to warrant such rage amongst the democrats ? From what I been reading they say he was in bed with the russians which I've just googled which turned out to be untrue . An Impeachment case where they didn't find anything and so on . please enlighten me i,m all ears

Personally, much as I like the idea of Trump behind bars, unless there is any nailed on stuff how he might have broken criminal law I would just move on and let him fester and don't give him and his gullible followers something to rail against.

Over the last few years I have seen and tried to argue against enough conspiracy and blatant bullshit to last a lifetime. If Biden has any sense he will dampen down the calls for some kind of a payback against a guy who spent 4 years not trying to do the best for a country but targeting anything that the previous President did that was perceived to be positive and relishing undoing or trashing it.