Quote Originally Posted by valleys caveman View Post
I notice a thread I commented on earlier about a woman should be shot because of the way she looks has been deleted.

The reply from the poster was something along the lines of ''she should be shot along with people who support Swansea''.

I understand why it's been deleted, but why not ban the poster who posted such vitriol?

I hope this board doesn't go the way of the other board - ie - If it doesn't confirm with the owners views or beliefs it gets the cold shoulder.

Not wishing to get into an argument with you Mike, but this stinks.
I try to let posters sort things out. I don't have views or beliefs that cause me to 'cold shoulder' threads. I don't see any connection with how I run this board to how other boards are run. Threads are open for you to post. They are not moderated before publication. So I have to be reactive, and then only if I see posts or am alerted to them.

I could see Sludge's unfunny posts caused upset so I removed the earlier thread. The reaction in this thread, to me, shows he's not read the room very well. What sounds funny to some when they think about it looks terrible when written down. This might be the case here.