Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
Dreadful woman . It wasn't just the miners strike.

The sale of council houses pitted those who could afford against those who could not and was the start of sink estates where the most vulnerable were shoved ......they couldn't be offered decent council housing .....that had all been sold

Privatisation of everything that wasn't nailed down

Private finance in the NHS and social care ....leaving the mess we have today where profit is put before people

Thanks Thatcher
The social cost cannot be measured. The bastards were clever enough to run the country, yeah right, but not clever enough to find an alternative solution to the loss of heavy industry, then again did they want to? Permanent, long term employment is vital to everyday life, gives people confidence, a few bob in their pockets, the dignity of not relying on handouts. Youngsters can’t be riding around football pitches on mopeds at three in the morning if they’ve got to be up for 6 till 2.

Thing is now though, as the years have gone by, relying on handouts doesn’t bear the stigma it used to (and shouldn’t I may add), I fear it’s gone too far and it’ll never be got back. There’s a couple of lost generations all due to that woman’s vision. I often say that I’m glad I lived in the era I’ve lived in, even though in my previous post I bemoaned those dark Thatcher years. I fear things aren’t going to improve any time soon and society is going to continue to crumble unless we get a government that can grab things by the scruff of the neck and drag the country back to decency. The gap between the haves and have nots is staggering and a lot of the haves are among the shadier section of the population.

I’ve not got the answer but there’s got to be some clever f*ckers with the brains to sort things out. I’ve no faith in anyone in politics at the moment sadly.