I wouldn't get too carried away with the attendances for the hundred. Anyone who bought a Glamorgan season ticket that covered all Glamorgan games has free tickets for the welsh fire games,. There are thousands of free tickets being given out for every match to clubs and schools , and the tickets being sold are dead cheap. The test of the crowds will come when the subsidy tap is turned off.

I think the counties have completely mismanaged the T20 format over the years. For that reason I'm glad the ECB took control and I see the idea behind the franchises even if I don't naturally take to it. If anyone thinks that changing 6 ball overs to 5 ball 'sets' is a factor in attracting people in to the game I'd love to hear their arguments. I really think it was just about the ego's at the ecb. Every change they have made is essentially just copying what the Aussies did with the big bash, this hundred ball nonsense is just their pointless point of difference