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Thread: Coronavirus update - NO MORE RESTRICTIONS

  1. #8051

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by goats View Post
    I don’t think many defended the twat did they? Moreover, what happened to Heisenberg, ccfc3po and Wales bales? The latter two ripe for being multis mind
    I think the middle one is posting under a different name now and I notice that Wales Bales and Feedback both use/used "Inside your head" as their strap line on here.

  2. #8052

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Vindec View Post
    Thanks for acknowledging the fact that I said Cummings should have gone from the outset. I call things out as I see them but that can't be said for everyone.Leaving the Cummings issue aside, the points you make can in general just as easily be attributed to those who vote Labour as well as Conservative on the various threads that appear on these pages. As I see it the difference is that some people vote for political parties at elections based on their policies at the time; they do not always vote for a Party because that is the only way they have always voted. There is very little criticism of Starmer on these pages but after more than a year as Leader I still haven't the foggiest what he stands for but as a contributor on here I feel there is absolutely no point in making any points about his performance as I will only get shouted down. Life is too short. My guess is that others who don't follow the views of the majority on here feel the same.

    I know it's hard to accept, but for many voters had two choices at the last election - Corbyn (potentially dangerous with a radical following) or the buffoon Johnson. Johnson came out on top as the least worst option but what I don't get is that left leaning contributors always seem to decry those who voted differently.

    As far as I'm concerned I believe that Johnson will have to resign if this idiotic relaxation of the COVID restrictions results in hospitals getting swamped with COVID patients. That is not a view based on politics but is based on how I feel. I will happily criticise anyone, irrespective of political allegiance, if I happen to disagree with them.
    I looked the Worldometer stats for yesterday and of all new cases reported in Europe for that day 35% were in UK. Whatever your views on Covid rules that's a big number.

  3. #8053

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    Heisenberg asked for his account to be deleted because of the moderation on here.
    Cracks me up when I hear this, it’s a football message board ffs. Most of the time it’s not been about football of late. People don’t agree with other folks opinions, it’s life, plenty of total bellends out there plus some very decent people. I wonder who H has come back as? He was far too opinionated to just leave…..

  4. #8054

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by lisvaneblue View Post
    I looked the Worldometer stats for yesterday and of all new cases reported in Europe for that day 35% were in UK. Whatever your views on Covid rules that's a big number.
    Delta variant will soon swamp Europe as they open up, as just proved in Holland alone. If they haven’t vaccinated highly then they are in trouble…..

  5. #8055

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by goats View Post
    Delta variant will soon swamp Europe as they open up, as just proved in Holland alone. If they haven’t vaccinated highly then they are in trouble…..
    On the subject of vaccinations, I see Germany have overtaken us now in terms of total jabs given.


    I saw a chart last week which said our rate of vaccination has declined recently which is a surprise to me. While I can understand that it gets progressively harder to get everyone to agree to being vaccinated because you're getting to the stage where you're up against anti vaxers and youngsters who know that Covid is very, very unlikely to kill them, I wouldn't have thought that, with not much over fifty per cent in the UK having had two vaccines, we've reached that stage yet.

  6. #8056

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Vindec View Post
    Thanks for acknowledging the fact that I said Cummings should have gone from the outset. I call things out as I see them but that can't be said for everyone.Leaving the Cummings issue aside, the points you make can in general just as easily be attributed to those who vote Labour as well as Conservative on the various threads that appear on these pages. As I see it the difference is that some people vote for political parties at elections based on their policies at the time; they do not always vote for a Party because that is the only way they have always voted. There is very little criticism of Starmer on these pages but after more than a year as Leader I still haven't the foggiest what he stands for but as a contributor on here I feel there is absolutely no point in making any points about his performance as I will only get shouted down. Life is too short. My guess is that others who don't follow the views of the majority on here feel the same.

    I know it's hard to accept, but for many voters had two choices at the last election - Corbyn (potentially dangerous with a radical following) or the buffoon Johnson. Johnson came out on top as the least worst option but what I don't get is that left leaning contributors always seem to decry those who voted differently.

    As far as I'm concerned I believe that Johnson will have to resign if this idiotic relaxation of the COVID restrictions results in hospitals getting swamped with COVID patients. That is not a view based on politics but is based on how I feel. I will happily criticise anyone, irrespective of political allegiance, if I happen to disagree with them.
    I don't agree about Starmer, he's quite often criticised by posters on here who appear to be left of centre to me (quite often, rightly so in my opinion - I was happy to see him become Labour leader because he has an air of competence to him, a quality sadly lacking in Parliament these days I feel, but I accept now that's not enough. As you say, Starmer and his party, are suffering because they lack a "big idea" which will resonate with voters).

    People on the left tend to be far more critical of their own than people on the right are in my experience (in public anyway) - something that very often puts parties of the left at a disadvantage in a world where so much is against them already. So, I'm not sure that they are as loyal to the Labour party as people on the right tend to be to the Conservatives.

    This Parliament has been dominated by Covid so far and this Government has to be primarily judged by how they've coped with it. So, while I accept and share some of misgivings many had against Corbyn, I must ask would we really be worse off now if he and his party had won in December 2019? The one shining light this Government can point to in the fight against the virus is the vaccine program which has transformed lives to a large extent, but would a Labour Government have done anything different, and detrimental, to what the Tories have done when it comes to vaccination? I doubt it very much, in fact, I would say that there would have been less pressure from the backbench's making the argument for business over people for Corbyn than there has been for Johnson.

    Would Labour have declined to bring in a furlough scheme? Surely not, the whole concept of furloughing is a left of centre one.

    Once you account for the vaccine programme and furloughing, what is there that this Government has done when it comes to Covid that can be deemed a success? While I disagree with Starmer's attempts to pass off the Delta variant as the Johnson variant because it would have got here eventually anyway, you have to wonder about the inconsistencies between how the UK Government treated India and how they treated Pakistan and Bangladesh in the spring - not for the first time, the suspicion is that Government policy in the pandemic has been influenced by the possibility of personal gain and/or cronyism.

  7. #8057

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    On the subject of vaccinations, I see Germany have overtaken us now in terms of total jabs given.


    I saw a chart last week which said our rate of vaccination has declined recently which is a surprise to me. While I can understand that it gets progressively harder to get everyone to agree to being vaccinated because you're getting to the stage where you're up against anti vaxers and youngsters who know that Covid is very, very unlikely to kill them, I wouldn't have thought that, with not much over fifty per cent in the UK having had two vaccines, we've reached that stage yet.
    Expect that to rise now mind, clubs and gigs requiring two jabs to get in…..

  8. #8058

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by lisvaneblue View Post
    More a job for the behavioural psychologists, although the vaccine uptake in the young will probably shoot up in order to get a 'nightclub' passport.
    Maybe. I didn't want to jump to the conclusion that the 60% who have not been vaccinated were young people or anti-vaxers, hence I would like to see an analysis of why those patients are un-vaccinated. There may be genuine medical reasons.

  9. #8059

    Re: Coronavirus update

    I’m in England for a few days and on Sunday (before freedom day) we went to Clacton Pier. The indoor entrance, which is a massive amusement hall, saw hardly anyone wearing a mask. Total ignorance of them.

    On Monday we got to our hotel in Norfolk and they had changed their wording to say masks no longer required indoors. The local shop I just went to had a sign saying masks at own discretion.

    Clacton was a car crash, but up here they are appear more relaxed and common sensical

  10. #8060
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    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Morris View Post
    I’m in England for a few days and on Sunday (before freedom day) we went to Clacton Pier. The indoor entrance, which is a massive amusement hall, saw hardly anyone wearing a mask. Total ignorance of them.

    On Monday we got to our hotel in Norfolk and they had changed their wording to say masks no longer required indoors. The local shop I just went to had a sign saying masks at own discretion.

    Clacton was a car crash, but up here they are appear more relaxed and common sensical
    I'm kind of hoping that because a lot of people were only paying lip service to the rules before the opening up yesterday that maybe the surge may not be as big as is feared by some.
    In response to TOBW, I saw the numbers were slightly lower too. It made me wonder if these numbers re telling us we have passed the pre opening crest of this wave, which might inform those that can work it out when we can expect to reach the crest now we re opened up?

  11. #8061
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    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    It made me wonder if these numbers re telling us we have passed the pre opening crest of this wave, which might inform those that can work it out when we can expect to reach the crest now we re opened up?
    As I pointed out before, there are often data reporting lags/snags so single day data can be misleading. 7-day moving averages and weekly totals are more reliable. For the whole UK, as of today, there was a 40% increase in cases on a base of the previous 7 days. Just so you don't go down the Trump hole again, approximately the same number of tests were conducted over the two seven day periods. I think you can infer case numbers are rising. So are hospitalizations and deaths. Albeit the relationships that emerged in 2020 among cases, hospitalizations and deaths are now no longer valid.

    Personally, I think now is a time for caution. Mask-wearing, avoiding congregate settings and social distancing works; both personally and socially. These aren't that hard to do, surely?

  12. #8062

    Re: Coronavirus update

    It would be absolutely wonderful if we're in a strong position now* because that means we can double our efforts to help the wider world.

    We (at this time referring to the UK) need to protect wider world from the Delta Variant as we need France to protect the UK from the Beta Variant. We also need to help wider world get access to vaccines.

    Understanding of the risks, what actions can be used to reduce this and empathy for others in the UK and outside it.

    *though everyone with any sense is still recommending caution here and slow release of pandemic habits.

  13. #8063
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    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by az city View Post
    As I pointed out before, there are often data reporting lags/snags so single day data can be misleading. 7-day moving averages and weekly totals are more reliable. For the whole UK, as of today, there was a 40% increase in cases on a base of the previous 7 days. Just so you don't go down the Trump hole again, approximately the same number of tests were conducted over the two seven day periods. I think you can infer case numbers are rising. So are hospitalizations and deaths. Albeit the relationships that emerged in 2020 among cases, hospitalizations and deaths are now no longer valid.

    Personally, I think now is a time for caution. Mask-wearing, avoiding congregate settings and social distancing works; both personally and socially. These aren't that hard to do, surely?
    Why don't you stop withe Trump hole crappie. He is and was nothing to me. Why would he be. Similarly you suggested I was a conspiracy theorist. Nothing could be further from the truth. I appreciate what you say about 7 day numbers and I get it. But the initial theory was that numbers would double every 7 days and from your own figures they clearly aren't..... yet. So if the pre-unlock numbers are plateauing I merely suggest that the modellers may be able to project the time of the expected post unlock peak. I gree wearing masks in crowe places is a no brained but if we cannot sort to open up now when will we? The number of vaccines being given is going down and the people choosing not to get them now will still be doing so later when weather will be worse for us and better for it.
    Some people would happily ban nightclubs from ever opening again or pubs and some people are becoming institutionalised and feel they need to do told what too. Its not healthy.

  14. #8064
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    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    Similarly you suggested I was a conspiracy theorist. Nothing could be further from the truth.
    From one of your previous posts: "Some of the things this government want to do generally could turn this country into a business wasteland, and their desire to control every facet of peoples lives, made more real than they ever could have dreamed by this pandemic, is making sure it will happen faster."

    That's a conspiracy theory.

  15. #8065
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    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    Why don't you stop withe Trump hole crappie. He is and was nothing to me. Why would he be.
    '"By the way, when you do more testing, you have more cases. We have more cases than anybody because we do more testing than anybody. It's pretty simple," Trump said Friday in the White House Rose Garden.'

    Reference: https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/don...perts-n1228671

  16. #8066
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    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by az city View Post
    From one of your previous posts: "Some of the things this government want to do generally could turn this country into a business wasteland, and their desire to control every facet of peoples lives, made more real than they ever could have dreamed by this pandemic, is making sure it will happen faster."

    That's a conspiracy theory.
    It's not a conspiracy theory except in your internet wired head. It's a opinion. Look it up

  17. #8067
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    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by az city View Post
    '"By the way, when you do more testing, you have more cases. We have more cases than anybody because we do more testing than anybody. It's pretty simple," Trump said Friday in the White House Rose Garden.'

    Reference: https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/don...perts-n1228671
    you must be totally obsessed with him to be able to first remember him saying that and then to be able to put your finger on the exact quote so easily. I'm not. I have no interest in him, his quote his anything else. It will no doubt amaze you to discover that other people hve said the same kind of thing. But you just pop the all in your 'trump hole'
    I was actually referring to something I'd rad which had been stated by a British scientist. It pretty basic actually, if you test more people you'll find more positive.

  18. #8068
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    Re: Coronavirus update


    This makes interesting reading.

    Their numbers suggest that the rate of spread of the infection indicates it is now doubling every 16 days whereas at the end of June it was doubling every 7 days. Seems like it might be leveling out.
    But further down the ONS survey for the 7 day period (Which of course is much better a guide) shows that the rate of infection is actally falling. Make what you will from that.

    But of course the ONS might just be down a trump hole or something. Who knows?

  19. #8069
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    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    It's not a conspiracy theory except in your internet wired head. It's a opinion. Look it up
    Please stop. You don't even realize (apparently) that you are just repeating a form of the NEW World Order conspiracy theory.

  20. #8070
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    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post

    This makes interesting reading.

    Their numbers suggest that the rate of spread of the infection indicates it is now doubling every 16 days whereas at the end of June it was doubling every 7 days. Seems like it might be leveling out.
    But further down the ONS survey for the 7 day period (Which of course is much better a guide) shows that the rate of infection is actally falling. Make what you will from that.

    But of course the ONS might just be down a trump hole or something. Who knows?
    "Leveling out" as you refer to plateauing would be indicated by no (zero) increase in the numbers testing positive from one test period to the next. Clearly numbers are still rising so there is no "leveling out".

    The current R(t) in Wales is estimated to be above one.

    You are so closed in your views on this that it makes me think of proverbial Bukowski quote.

  21. #8071

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Hard hitting stuff from a palliative care doctor.


  22. #8072
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    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by az city View Post
    Please stop. You don't even realize (apparently) that you are just repeating a form of the NEW World Order conspiracy theory.
    you talk some highbrow shite don't you? New world order theory my arse. You're obsessed with conspiracies.

  23. #8073

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post

    This makes interesting reading.

    Their numbers suggest that the rate of spread of the infection indicates it is now doubling every 16 days whereas at the end of June it was doubling every 7 days. Seems like it might be leveling out.
    But further down the ONS survey for the 7 day period (Which of course is much better a guide) shows that the rate of infection is actally falling. Make what you will from that.

    But of course the ONS might just be down a trump hole or something. Who knows?
    Doubling every 16 days doesn't sound like levelling out to me.

  24. #8074

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    Doubling every 16 days doesn't sound like levelling out to me.
    better than every 9 days like they said before

    so the curve is not as steep, some might say its the start of the curve starting to flatten

  25. #8075

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post

    This makes interesting reading.

    Their numbers suggest that the rate of spread of the infection indicates it is now doubling every 16 days whereas at the end of June it was doubling every 7 days. Seems like it might be leveling out.
    But further down the ONS survey for the 7 day period (Which of course is much better a guide) shows that the rate of infection is actally falling. Make what you will from that.

    But of course the ONS might just be down a trump hole or something. Who knows?
    That shows that for every person getting infected in Wales more than two are contracting Covid in England. As you say, interesting reading.

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