Quote Originally Posted by Tuerto View Post
I don't really go to the pub but don't mind now and again. They're dying on there arse in a lot of areas, particularly in working class parts of the city, the traditional working mans boozer, life has changed for men, child care, responsibility and both parents working, plus the cost. A lot of blokes that i know who have spent plenty of their time in the boozer have paid the price in other ways.
I enjoy the pub pre and post match, it’s great to have a chat about what we’re about to see and then have a moan later about what we’ve seen. Me and the missus did go to a pub last night, well early evening, it was a lovely change after recent times. Sat outside in a nice area, had a really good meal, it was excellent. Couple of pints with it, really enjoyed it, only out from 5pm-8pm, will be back there again soon. I do miss the proper pub atmosphere on a match day, home or away, though.