Quote Originally Posted by Vindec View Post
I wonder what security is there for if it's not to question suspicious characters? The security officer might be young but that is no excuse for not questioning an individual who is sweating, fidgety and carrying a heavy rucksack. I don't think poor training, or inexperience is an excuse for not questioning any individual who is behaving suspiciously. Surely common sense should have at the very least led the 18 year old security officer to ask his supervisor for advice.
Sorry I don't agree at all. I would never expect "security" at one of these events to be dealing with a potential terrorist plot. They're there to keep the exits clear, eject anyone being unruly and that sort of thing, not question anyone they find suspicious.

Most people would have acted in exactly the same way, especially at the age of 18, I don't blame that guy at all.