I'm a Labour Party member but not a fan of Drakeford.
I don't want independence so wouldn't vote for Plaid Cymru.
I said I would never vote Tory, so won't and Andrew 'RT' Davies is thoroughly dislikable, and talks like a dodgy double glazing salesman.
Do UKIP stand in Wales? I thought their boat had sailed.
LiB Dems is a wasted vote.

Actually they should scrap the lot and save a load of money. The civil servants would still be around in the Welsh Office. But all the well paid politicians would be gone.

I was canvassed by a prospective Labour Party candidate at the local hustings in October 2019, who asked me if I had any questions for her. My question was "What particularly attracts you to the job that carries a salary of £76,000 p.a. plus expenses". I received no answer.