Rule H2
Provides stronger priority for pedestrians at junctions and clarity of who has right of way.

The new rule states that instead of cars having priority when they turn left or right into junctions, pedestrians crossing the road will now have priority over those vehicles.

Nothing new about this, it has been the same for over 50 years, when I took my test::
"Vehicles turning from a major road to a secondary road must give way to pedestrian crossing the minor road"
I don't know why they have said this is new but at least highlighting it might educate some modern drivers,

Another point to bear in mind is that the Highway code is not law. It is intended to make road users aware of their rights and obligations. A lot of the things in it are covered elsewhere by statue but not everything. It very cleverly doesn't tell you which are and which aren't.
I've read several articles like the one mentioned in the last couple of weeks and they are all the same.... basically click bait. The highway code does not change the actual law so whatever it says about cyclists and pedestrian is either already enshrined in law or is merely advice.