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Thread: There's a huge new migrant issue unfolding. So why isn't there any real debate about THIS one?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2022
    North Cardiff ha ha

    There's a huge new migrant issue unfolding. So why isn't there any real debate about THIS one?


    Some extraordinary figures about population growth were published on Tuesday by the Office for National Statistics, though they attracted very little comment from the BBC or much of the mainstream media.

    Between 2011 and 2021, the population of England and Wales grew by a staggering 3.5 million, or about 6.6 per cent. Since during this period net migration was usually running at over 200,000 a year, and occasionally at more than 300,000, the main cause of the rapid expansion isn't hard to fathom.

    Most of the population growth took place in the South-East, parts of London (up 22.1 per cent in Tower Hamlets, though there was a 9.6 per cent decline in Kensington and Chelsea) and Eastern England, where it rose by a whopping 8.3 per cent.

    Imagine a city the size of Nottingham. Then one as big as Bristol. Add Birmingham. Then Manchester and Liverpool. Pop in Sheffield while you are at it. The combined population of these great cities roughly equates to the increase in the population of England and Wales that has taken place during a mere ten years.

    Is it any wonder that vast tracts of the country, particularly in the already congested South and East, are being built and Tarmac-ed over to accommodate a surge in population growth, most of it driven by immigration?

  2. #2

    Re: There's a huge new migrant issue unfolding. So why isn't there any real debate about THIS one?

    Quote Originally Posted by North Cardiff Blue View Post

    Some extraordinary figures about population growth were published on Tuesday by the Office for National Statistics, though they attracted very little comment from the BBC or much of the mainstream media.

    Between 2011 and 2021, the population of England and Wales grew by a staggering 3.5 million, or about 6.6 per cent. Since during this period net migration was usually running at over 200,000 a year, and occasionally at more than 300,000, the main cause of the rapid expansion isn't hard to fathom.

    Most of the population growth took place in the South-East, parts of London (up 22.1 per cent in Tower Hamlets, though there was a 9.6 per cent decline in Kensington and Chelsea) and Eastern England, where it rose by a whopping 8.3 per cent.

    Imagine a city the size of Nottingham. Then one as big as Bristol. Add Birmingham. Then Manchester and Liverpool. Pop in Sheffield while you are at it. The combined population of these great cities roughly equates to the increase in the population of England and Wales that has taken place during a mere ten years.

    Is it any wonder that vast tracts of the country, particularly in the already congested South and East, are being built and Tarmac-ed over to accommodate a surge in population growth, most of it driven by immigration?
    Just to add more context to the figures, the rate of population growth was lower than between 2001 and 2011 and 42% of the total was simply due to there being more births than deaths, not net immigration.

  3. #3

    Re: There's a huge new migrant issue unfolding. So why isn't there any real debate about THIS one?

    Quote Originally Posted by North Cardiff Blue View Post

    Some extraordinary figures about population growth were published on Tuesday by the Office for National Statistics, though they attracted very little comment from the BBC or much of the mainstream media.

    Between 2011 and 2021, the population of England and Wales grew by a staggering 3.5 million, or about 6.6 per cent. Since during this period net migration was usually running at over 200,000 a year, and occasionally at more than 300,000, the main cause of the rapid expansion isn't hard to fathom.

    Most of the population growth took place in the South-East, parts of London (up 22.1 per cent in Tower Hamlets, though there was a 9.6 per cent decline in Kensington and Chelsea) and Eastern England, where it rose by a whopping 8.3 per cent.

    Imagine a city the size of Nottingham. Then one as big as Bristol. Add Birmingham. Then Manchester and Liverpool. Pop in Sheffield while you are at it. The combined population of these great cities roughly equates to the increase in the population of England and Wales that has taken place during a mere ten years.

    Is it any wonder that vast tracts of the country, particularly in the already congested South and East, are being built and Tarmac-ed over to accommodate a surge in population growth, most of it driven by immigration?
    Wouldn't you have more fun hanging out on Stormfront? You're kind of creeping me out starting sh*t like this. You should be ashamed of yourself peddling this crap.

  4. #4
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    Jan 2022
    North Cardiff ha ha

    Re: There's a huge new migrant issue unfolding. So why isn't there any real debate about THIS one?

    Quote Originally Posted by Citizen's Nephew View Post
    Wouldn't you have more fun hanging out on Stormfront? You're kind of creeping me out starting sh*t like this. You should be ashamed of yourself peddling this crap.
    It's not my view?

    It's a link to a contraversial news article, we get them every day?

  5. #5

    Re: There's a huge new migrant issue unfolding. So why isn't there any real debate about THIS one?

    Quote Originally Posted by North Cardiff Blue View Post
    It's not my view?

    It's a link to a contraversial news article, we get them every day?

    If it's not your view, then surely rather than your subject being "There's a huge new migrant issue unfolding. So why isn't there any real debate about THIS one?"
    you'd be better off saying something like
    "nonsense daily mail article, written to fuel fear of immigration and to back up the actions of a corrupt, dangerous government and failed Brexit"

  6. #6

    Re: There's a huge new migrant issue unfolding. So why isn't there any real debate about THIS one?

    most Western nations the population is close to a peak, the UK will grow longer than some but there will still be much less population growth based on current models.
    population decline will be something you start hearing more and more about and it has its own set of problems.

  7. #7

    Re: There's a huge new migrant issue unfolding. So why isn't there any real debate about THIS one?

    Bloody Chinese Students

  8. #8

    Re: There's a huge new migrant issue unfolding. So why isn't there any real debate about THIS one?

    Quote Originally Posted by North Cardiff Blue View Post
    It's not my view?

    It's a link to a contraversial news article, we get them every day?
    That's quite a long opening post considering its not your view

  9. #9

    Re: There's a huge new migrant issue unfolding. So why isn't there any real debate about THIS one?

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    That's quite a long opening post considering its not your view
    I think it's his view 🤔

  10. #10
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    North Cardiff ha ha

    Re: There's a huge new migrant issue unfolding. So why isn't there any real debate about THIS one?

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    That's quite a long opening post considering its not your view
    Its cut from the link?

    Its to get people to debate the view of Steven Glover.

  11. #11

    Re: There's a huge new migrant issue unfolding. So why isn't there any real debate about THIS one?

    I thought the immigration was going to stop after Brexit when we regained control of the borders from the EU.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2022
    North Cardiff ha ha

    Re: There's a huge new migrant issue unfolding. So why isn't there any real debate about THIS one?

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    I think it's his view ��
    Of course it is he wrote it?

    I haven't given mine?

  13. #13

    Re: There's a huge new migrant issue unfolding. So why isn't there any real debate about THIS one?

    The argument against uncontrolled immigration (which we no longer have..not withstanding the controversy on the south coast) is that it is near impossible to plan public services for.

    When we had net immigration of 300,000 a year or so, that essentially is a city the size of Cardiff. Cardiff has what - 180,000 dwellings? 20 secondary schools? 100 primaries? 100 doctor surgeries? 3 hospitals? 10 miles of motorway? 20 train stations, 500 bus stops? 100 substations? 25 libraries? The list goes on. When you have very little idea about where people are going, when they are coming how long they will be here for etc, it is very difficult to plan for things, especially when all of the above infrastructure takes years and years to plan and build. And just to stand still the country needed to build all that, every year.

    For me, it often felt like we were playing catch up and generally public services seemed to be in decline. And there's numerous factors into that, notably austerity, but I don't think a totally laissez-faire unlimited approach to immigration helped if I am entirely honest.

    Managed immigration is probably better.

  14. #14

    Re: There's a huge new migrant issue unfolding. So why isn't there any real debate about THIS one?

    You can't have a political debate about migration because anyone who brings the subject up is branded a racist.

  15. #15

    Re: There's a huge new migrant issue unfolding. So why isn't there any real debate about THIS one?

    Quote Originally Posted by Vindec View Post
    You can't have a political debate about migration because anyone who brings the subject up is branded a racist.
    That DM article is as racist as they come (so are the BTL comments generally). It's dangerous, mean-spirited, mis-represented, selective, bigoted racism. Written by a white guy for other white guys.

  16. #16

    Re: There's a huge new migrant issue unfolding. So why isn't there any real debate about THIS one?

    Stephen Glover - super-qualified to write such crap.

  17. #17

    Re: There's a huge new migrant issue unfolding. So why isn't there any real debate about THIS one?

    Quote Originally Posted by Citizen's Nephew View Post
    That DM article is as racist as they come (so are the BTL comments generally). It's dangerous, mean-spirited, mis-represented, selective, bigoted racism. Written by a white guy for other white guys.
    I don't think the majority of people with issues with migration are actually doing it for racial issues but instead economic and keeping their world the same.

    They'd be the same if there was a threat of working class white people were moving near.

    But you're right it is mean minded.

  18. #18

    Re: There's a huge new migrant issue unfolding. So why isn't there any real debate about THIS one?

    Quote Originally Posted by Citizen's Nephew View Post
    That DM article is as racist as they come (so are the BTL comments generally). It's dangerous, mean-spirited, mis-represented, selective, bigoted racism. Written by a white guy for other white guys.
    If it's racist, there will be a police investigation. What you probably mean, is that the article disagrees with you. And so you label it racist because you know for a long time, you've been able to hide behind that to avoid addressing any of the issues.

    What actually is more racist, is the immigration policy we have had for the last couple of decades, which explicitly gives advantages to people from an overwhelmingly white part of the world (within the EU), over those from an overwhelmingly non-white part of the world (the rest of it). That has changed now. Everyone is considered equally, whether from Netherlands or Nigeria.

    No system is perfect, but in terms of racism, it is unquestionably the one you presumably support that is more racist.

  19. #19

    Re: There's a huge new migrant issue unfolding. So why isn't there any real debate about THIS one?

    Quote Originally Posted by WJ99mobile View Post
    I don't think the majority of people with issues with migration are actually doing it for racial issues but instead economic and keeping their world the same.

    They'd be the same if there was a threat of working class white people were moving near.

    But you're right it is mean minded.
    You may well be correct. It is, however, whipped up by some pretty blatant racism and xenophobia which is allowed to be peddled in a lot of MSM. I used to give people the benefit of the doubt but I'm afraid that after the Rwanda debacle and the willingness to ship innocent children over there I feel I can't afford to anymore. I'm ashamed of the UK and so, articles like this, surprise, surprise, in the DM just aren't the light reading I come to CCMB for in the morning!

  20. #20

    Re: There's a huge new migrant issue unfolding. So why isn't there any real debate about THIS one?

    Quote Originally Posted by JamesWales View Post
    If it's racist, there will be a police investigation. What you probably mean, is that the article disagrees with you. And so you label it racist because you know for a long time, you've been able to hide behind that to avoid addressing any of the issues.

    What actually is more racist, is the immigration policy we have had for the last couple of decades, which explicitly gives advantages to people from an overwhelmingly white part of the world (within the EU), over those from an overwhelmingly non-white part of the world (the rest of it). That has changed now. Everyone is considered equally, whether from Netherlands or Nigeria.

    No system is perfect, but in terms of racism, it is unquestionably the one you presumably support that is more racist.
    I thought you were more intelligent than this Mr J to even write that. That's low.

  21. #21

    Re: There's a huge new migrant issue unfolding. So why isn't there any real debate about THIS one?

    Quote Originally Posted by Citizen's Nephew View Post
    That DM article is as racist as they come (so are the BTL comments generally). It's dangerous, mean-spirited, mis-represented, selective, bigoted racism. Written by a white guy for other white guys.
    There you go.

  22. #22

    Re: There's a huge new migrant issue unfolding. So why isn't there any real debate about THIS one?

    Quote Originally Posted by Citizen's Nephew View Post
    I thought you were more intelligent than this Mr J to even write that. That's low.
    It's you that labelled an article racist (if so, ring the police, or ring IPSO) it's you who said it's an article written by a white guy for white guys.

    It's me who pointed out that it is EU immigration policy that specifically prioritises one group of people over another. Is that not the policy you support then?

    People in glass houses and all that.

  23. #23

    Re: There's a huge new migrant issue unfolding. So why isn't there any real debate about THIS one?

    Quote Originally Posted by JamesWales View Post
    If it's racist, there will be a police investigation. What you probably mean, is that the article disagrees with you. And so you label it racist because you know for a long time, you've been able to hide behind that to avoid addressing any of the issues.

    What actually is more racist, is the immigration policy we have had for the last couple of decades, which explicitly gives advantages to people from an overwhelmingly white part of the world (within the EU), over those from an overwhelmingly non-white part of the world (the rest of it). That has changed now. Everyone is considered equally, whether from Netherlands or Nigeria.

    No system is perfect, but in terms of racism, it is unquestionably the one you presumably support that is more racist.
    My understanding is we have lost 1.2 million people from the labour market since brexit - not solely as a result of brexit of course and that we now have more vacancies than job seekers and this is impacting the foundation economy ie the ability of health social care retail hospitality leisure etc to recruit more so than the higher level skill jobs although there is a sense that these are in short supply as well

    Therefore we don't have enough workforce to go around and as a result the numbers of unpaid carers will grow for example as we can't provide state health and social care services which means they will need to rescue their participation in work to supplement care provided by the state

    Part of the answer is to recruit from abroad but this market has shrunk since brexit and even though some of those foundation economy roles are on the shortage occcupationt list they don't meet the salary threshold to enter the country

    We need reform in light of brexit and the pandemic to have a proportionate strategy to supply the country with a workforce it needs but we also need to value the lower paid roles more as a society and this may mean we either pay more tax or we redirect what we do pay to different areas to make these jobs more attractive and go beyond the real living wage that they are currently paid in some key worker sectors

    Do I have confidence that we have leadership within the UK that gets it do I feck as in the main they are all self serving nose in the trough types of w33kers that are only concerned with personal wealth and their self preservation

  24. #24

    Re: There's a huge new migrant issue unfolding. So why isn't there any real debate about THIS one?

    Glover’s views are no more relevant than anybody else’s. He is just a right wing journo. We actually have labour shortages in this country. Still let’s blame immigrants because that’s what right wingers always do.

  25. #25

    Re: There's a huge new migrant issue unfolding. So why isn't there any real debate about THIS one?

    A shed load of people who write or reference articles from the daily mail are racist .

    People I know , but do not associate with and read that paper are very right wing and suck up the extreme propaganda.....dressed up as reasoned debate .....which is designed to frighten people

    No whilst I have no doubt that the majority of people on here can have a sensible chat I am afraid in the real world there are absolutely LOADS of people who might not like being labelled racists but that's exactly what they are .

    Did Ron Liddle write for the Daily Mail ?

    He should have done

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