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Conspiracy theorists is so 2020 , have you got anymore as most Ive heard have turned out to have been true.
I realise that with the average age of the regular posters ( about 30 judging by the Bulut poll) is closer to retirement so its always going to be a hard gig at times on this particular platform.
I bet you tuned into this guy
Is that because, hopefully we have a little more knowledge and question things more?
That means I am not buying into everything the establishment serves us up and get disappointed when I feel someone (establishment) is trying to coerce me into believing something they want me to that probably isn't true, for their own ends.
I clapped for the NHS .
A personal situation happening at the time stopped me clapping.
All anecdotal of course Jim, although i'd say that it's not much to do with being more critical in thinking as a person gets older. I would have thought that life experience would make a person more gentle, forgiving, caring, possessing the ability to empathise that little bit more, give people the benefit of the doubt and attempt to listen to all sides of an argument, even if that 'Argument' is way off Kilter. Just by looking at this board as a small sample there does seem to be some twisted angry old men who have 101 reasons as to why everything is shit. Thing is, they're the common denominator
You do tend to prove my point in your reply to Tuerto.
One thing I’m less clear about as I get older is the meaning of the word “establishment” - someone like Greta Thunberg would never have been described as establishment for the first sixty or so years of my life, but in recent years it seems she’s become the epitome of it for some - what’s changed?
I find her an annoying, overzealous, entitled, unsympathetic, somewhat of a bigot, rude, naive and largely counter productive middle class hypocrite.
The most overwhelming of those criticisms is the first one. Just so annoying.
You want to win people around to green issues? People like her won't help.
But this isn't against her. The same criticism is largely levelled at most environmental campaigners who adopt similar tactics, she is just the most prominent.
It was the best I could come up with , I understand society (establishment)needs control , but its how the control is managed .
Greta is the darling of the press , until one day she wont be .She is nothing to do with our society.
The Palestinian situation is horrific , how it was started , what has happened since, its totally horrific . A young lady leading a March against another young lady who is singing for her country doesn't change any of it .And it wont .
Yeah, I can’t argue with your last couple of sentences. I’d definitely consider going on a pro Palestine march held locally, but if Eurovision 2024 had been held in Treorchy Town Hall, I wouldn’t have got involved in any demonstration against the Israeli contestant.
WTF is this got to do with EV ? Guys get you skirts on and get non binary
Now the EU has complained to the EBU that the EU flag wasn't allowed in the venue.
EBU rules state only participating countries' flags and the rainbow flag are allowed.
What a load of bollocks!
Pretty petty. All flags are inherently political. I could understand a policy of only national flags but I saw a few of the updated rainbow flags which are far more political than an EU flag. Of course, the EU and Europe aren't the same thing at all, but can't see harm in letting them in, especially in Sweden
Now Nemo, the dickhead who won, smashed the trophy
I worded that poorly, apologies. I'll reword, rethink my generalisation in more detail.
I've got friends on social media, some of whom fall into one general category. Not sure how you'd name this category, but if they were ever to share some pointless meme on Facebook, they'd be things like, not that I'm saying everyone subscribes to everything in this list:
Muslims being offended by poppies
False nonsense about our Military and Armed Forces not being appreciated
Stop the boats, ban immigration (mainly of muslims)
Support Brexit
Why can't we use Christmas and Easter, even when they aren't religious at all
How much foreign aid costs
The workshy
Bollocks to the environment
Anything anti-Labour
Welsh friends who are Pro-British to the point of almost being anti-Welsh and dislike anything anyone in Wales does ever, that Britain is the only important country in the world
Freedom of speech (usually to allow discrimination), usually coupled with comments about people being offended by certain old fashioned types of inappropriate humour.
If anyone was going to post anti Greta Thunberg stuff, it's that sort of demographic, not that they all do, nor are those who post anti-Greta stuff do subscribe to that list. It's also possibly true that those who aren't bothered by the above list are accepting of what she and other environmentalists do. I accept that it's certainly not a case of one or the other.
Brilliant post Eric and spot on!
You only missed out:...
Complaints about Councils and Council Workers (and how poor they are compared to the private sector)
And .. every other word interspersed with "Woke" and how everything was so much better back in the day.
So around and around we go.
The culture wars continue and are to be blamed on those with an opposing view.
Do you acknowledge any of the concerns of those that hold a different view to you?
Do you care at least to meet a common ground with those you disagree with?
I honestly think that we are close to civil conflict in the West due to people being so unyielding in their ideologies.