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Thread: The Euros…..

  1. #1

    The Euros…..

    Couple of days away, can throw up a few surprises, Greece, Denmark, us in 2016….
    Who you supporting? Scotland
    Who do you think will win? The Germans
    Dark horse? Netherlands

  2. #2

    Re: The Euros…..

    Quote Originally Posted by goats View Post
    Couple of days away, can throw up a few surprises, Greece, Denmark, us in 2016….
    Who you supporting? Scotland
    Who do you think will win? The Germans
    Dark horse? Netherlands

    I’ll be cheering on Netherlands, Spain and Scotland.

    Dark horses - Serbia

    England can do one. I’ll sooner eat a bag of rotten sprouts out of a horse’s arse before cheering them on.

  3. #3

    Re: The Euros…..

    Anybody but Scotland - cheating bar stewards and Jordan has never apologised

    Portugal or Italy

  4. #4

    Re: The Euros…..

    Quote Originally Posted by binman View Post
    Anybody but Scotland - cheating bar stewards and Jordan has never apologised

    Portugal or Italy
    Our Celtic cousins? I’ve got family from up there and I know plenty cheered us on before…..��

  5. #5

    Re: The Euros…..

    Think I'll be anyone but England in this tournament. Thankfully Southgate is the Pot A version of Rob Page so I reckon they will feck it up.

    I'd like to see the Dutch win it... think they've got as much chance in this one as they have since the talent they had in the 90's.

  6. #6

    Re: The Euros…..

    Quote Originally Posted by Keyser Soze View Post
    I’ll be cheering on Netherlands, Spain and Scotland.

    Dark horses - Serbia

    England can do one. I’ll sooner eat a bag of rotten sprouts out of a horse’s arse before cheering them on.
    England will probably do there usual implosion, half look burnt out ( foden, rice etc) and the new ones have no experience of the big time. I thought they were going to do well but not so sure now…

  7. #7

    Re: The Euros…..

    Have a holiday in Türkiye whilst the Euros are on so hoping they do well.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2022
    North Cardiff ha ha

    Re: The Euros…..

    Quote Originally Posted by LA Bluebird View Post
    Think I'll be anyone but England in this tournament. Thankfully Southgate is the Pot A version of Rob Page so I reckon they will feck it up.

    I'd like to see the Dutch win it... think they've got as much chance in this one as they have since the talent they had in the 90's.
    Such an easy group for England, but hopefully battered by the first good team they meet.

    Spain or France are usually there or there abouts, but this one is more open, I'm looking forward to it and hopefully, it is a Germany or Netherlands for a change.

  9. #9

    Re: The Euros…..

    Quote Originally Posted by binman View Post
    Anybody but Scotland - cheating bar stewards and Jordan has never apologised

    Portugal or Italy

    How any self-respecting Welshmen can ever support those cheats is beyond me.

    Hopefully they'll crawl home having been stuffed in all three games.

    Never forgive, never forget.

  10. #10

    Re: The Euros…..

    I will be supporting Romania as I used to live there.
    I have some Ukrainian refugees in my home so the first game is going to be awkward as I would also be supporting them and of course the smelly socks.
    Unfortunately I don't think I can see Ukraine and Romania getting the better of Belgium and the top class dragon slayers of Slovakia in Group E :-(

  11. #11

    Re: The Euros…..

    England's best chance since the last two or three tournaments with world beating players (if you believe all the hype) in abundance.

    Fortunately having lots of great players at your disposal doesn't necessarily bring silverware and Southgate, although a likeable chap, just doesn't quite have what it takes.
    You need winners at the helm.

    I'd like to see the hosts do well and Holland get revenge for '74 in the final.

  12. #12

    Re: The Euros…..

    Id take a punt on anybody to get page out. even giggs

    It amazes me that giggs gets credit for a team coming off the back of speed's progress (yes yes coleman gets the credit too i get it). I think things started to nose dive during the last part of coleman's and then giggs's reign.

    That said...page has set the bar at ground level again so lets just get somebody in

  13. #13

    Re: The Euros…..

    Quote Originally Posted by MacAdder View Post
    England's best chance since the last two or three tournaments with world beating players (if you believe all the hype) in abundance.

    Fortunately having lots of great players at your disposal doesn't necessarily bring silverware and Southgate, although a likeable chap, just doesn't quite have what it takes.
    You need winners at the helm.

    I'd like to see the hosts do well and Holland get revenge for '74 in the final.
    You just don’t know with England, on paper maybe, but a few look burnt out or have yet to do it at international level, not a golden generation but we all saw what happened v Iceland in 2016.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2022
    North Cardiff ha ha

    Re: The Euros…..

    Bring back the football, I'm looking forward to it

  15. #15

    Re: The Euros…..

    Quote Originally Posted by Claude Blue View Post

    How any self-respecting Welshmen can ever support those cheats is beyond me.

    Hopefully they'll crawl home having been stuffed in all three games.

    Never forgive, never forget.
    Bitterness has obviously consumed you both.
    That night at Anfield (The biggest bollock dropped by the WFA in a history of dropped bollox) was very similar to the hand of god game. A cheeky handball goal,followed by an absolute belter of a goal.
    We all take the piss out of Shilton for constantly moaning and berating Maradona, but we have fans like you 2 who still harp on about our injustice with Jordan.
    We were never winning that game in a month of Sundays.
    I’d love to see Scotland beat the Krauts tonight and go on to do well, but it’s Portugal for me, in what is a wide open tournament.

  16. #16

    Re: The Euros…..

    Quote Originally Posted by William Treseder View Post
    Bitterness has obviously consumed you both.
    That night at Anfield (The biggest bollock dropped by the WFA in a history of dropped bollox) was very similar to the hand of god game. A cheeky handball goal,followed by an absolute belter of a goal.
    We all take the piss out of Shilton for constantly moaning and berating Maradona, but we have fans like you 2 who still harp on about our injustice with Jordan.
    We were never winning that game in a month of Sundays.
    I’d love to see Scotland beat the Krauts tonight and go on to do well, but it’s Portugal for me, in what is a wide open tournament.
    I try not to live with grudges, and prefer to clear them out of my mind ASAP. Move on. Negative energy consumes your soul. If I were in that Wales team, with the same chance v Scotland, I would have done the same. Up to the officials to get it right.

  17. #17

    Re: The Euros…..

    France to beat Italy in the final.

  18. #18

    Re: The Euros…..

    Quote Originally Posted by goats View Post
    Couple of days away, can throw up a few surprises, Greece, Denmark, us in 2016….
    Who you supporting? Scotland
    Who do you think will win? The Germans
    Dark horse? Netherlands
    Will get behind Germany as per usual when Wales are absent.

    Think England will get it done, though seeing their defence has made me have doubts.

    Hungary to go deep.

  19. #19

    Re: The Euros…..

    Quote Originally Posted by Keyser Soze View Post
    I try not to live with grudges, and prefer to clear them out of my mind ASAP. Move on. Negative energy consumes your soul. If I were in that Wales team, with the same chance v Scotland, I would have done the same. Up to the officials to get it right.

  20. #20

    Re: The Euros…..

    It is estimated 200000 jocks will be in Germany

    That's absolutely fanatical support

    If we were there I wouldn't care at all but I hope they do well for those supporters

    Most of us remember 77 and 85 and 85 in particular was a game we should have won

    It was a poor decision but it wasn't the fault of the tartan army

  21. #21

    Re: The Euros…..

    not far for a weekend away

  22. #22

    Re: The Euros…..

    Quote Originally Posted by Der Kaiser View Post
    Will get behind Germany as per usual when Wales are absent.

    Think England will get it done, though seeing their defence has made me have doubts.

    Hungary to go deep.
    We’re all hungry to go deep, age is the problem for me I reckon.

  23. #23

    Re: The Euros…..

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    It is estimated 200000 jocks will be in Germany

    That's absolutely fanatical support

    If we were there I wouldn't care at all but I hope they do well for those supporters

    Most of us remember 77 and 85 and 85 in particular was a game we should have won

    It was a poor decision but it wasn't the fault of the tartan army
    Fair do’s, that is fanatical support when you think of the dross they’ve been served up over the yrs with their clubs and international teams.
    Remarkable as well when the fans of the old firm make up a very small percentage of the Tartan army. (Sure I read that somewhere) Jimmy the Jock can put me right if that claim is wide of the mark.

  24. #24

    Re: The Euros…..

    Probably sentimental. But id like to see Italy return to form and become tournament challengers again - i miss what they used to bring

  25. #25

    Re: The Euros…..

    Quote Originally Posted by William Treseder View Post
    Fair do’s, that is fanatical support when you think of the dross they’ve been served up over the yrs with their clubs and international teams.
    Remarkable as well when the fans of the old firm make up a very small percentage of the Tartan army. (Sure I read that somewhere) Jimmy the Jock can put me right if that claim is wide of the mark.
    Yes I believe that is the case

    Remember the banner when Scotland played Russia in the 1980s .......

    Communism Verses Alcoholism!

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