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Thread: It's happened.

  1. #1

    It's happened.

    Latest poll from You Gov

    Labour slip by another point to 37%, Reform up 2 to 19, Conservatives unchanged on 18, Lib Dems down 1 on 14 and Greens down 1 on 7.

    The leaders of the two main parties may be among the most uninspiring I've ever seen, but this election is shaping up to be one that will be discussed for generations - barring a late, late huge recovery by the Tories, we really are saying history in the making.

  2. #2

    Re: It's happened.

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    Latest poll from You Gov

    Labour slip by another point to 37%, Reform up 2 to 19, Conservatives unchanged on 18, Lib Dems down 1 on 14 and Greens down 1 on 7.

    The leaders of the two main parties may be among the most uninspiring I've ever seen, but this election is shaping up to be one that will be discussed for generations - barring a late, late huge recovery by the Tories, we really are saying history in the making.
    I would imagine that the Reform percentage may be tweaked upwards after last night's ITV debate.
    I have no time for Farage and his ilk but his opposition last night was terribly weak, Rayner included.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2022
    North Cardiff ha ha

    Re: It's happened.

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    Latest poll from You Gov

    Labour slip by another point to 37%, Reform up 2 to 19, Conservatives unchanged on 18, Lib Dems down 1 on 14 and Greens down 1 on 7.

    The leaders of the two main parties may be among the most uninspiring I've ever seen, but this election is shaping up to be one that will be discussed for generations - barring a late, late huge recovery by the Tories, we really are saying history in the making.
    It's a done deal, Labour is 10 nil up at half time and the Conservatives have thrown the towel in and the Manager has no answer, it could easily finish 30 nil.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2022
    North Cardiff ha ha

    Re: It's happened.

    Quote Originally Posted by Taunton Blue Genie View Post
    I would imagine that the Reform percentage may be tweaked upwards after last night's ITV debate.
    I have no time for Farage and his ilk but his opposition last night was terribly weak, Rayner included.
    Reform is not a realistic party, but they have some very good ideas and are the perfect protest vote, the old left of centre conservatives are fished it will be interesting as to what happens next on the right.

  5. #5

    Re: It's happened.

    I don't think the final result will change. No one does, but the scoreline could.

    May be an interesting week.

    1 / Labours lead is slipping. Will it continue to, or is it a blip?

    2 / Does this allow the SNP to sneak back into the lead in Scotland? I can't stand them but th y have done well in the debates

    3 / Can the Tories cling on in the low 20 percents and then end up to get 100-120 odd seats? Drop much more and they risk being in Lib Dem territory and getting potentially a handful of seats.

    4 / Does the "one party socialist state" scare some moderate Tories, Lib Dem and even Labour voters. Partisan opinions aside I think everyone recognises the need for a strong opposition. Does that help the Tories?

    5 / Does Reforms rise contine? I have a feeling it has a little way to go and will bite into Labour but will essentially split the Tory vote and both will end up with a small number of seats. There could yet be a dramatic rise though. If half of current Tory voters decided to switch then reform start polling close to Labour. Unlikely, but who knows

    6 / I think we've heard very little from the Left. From Galloway, Corbyn et al. I suspect under the radar they are making some progress, but will any of that show?

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