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Thread: Anyone thinking of voting Green?

  1. #1

    Anyone thinking of voting Green?

    This excellent stream from last night has the Greens winning four seats and I notice they’re up to nine points in a poll for the Observer this morning.


  2. #2

    Re: Anyone thinking of voting Green?

    When I sent my mutilated Labour Membership Card back I joined the Greens. Used to have meetings in The Grange. That was the highlight for me. Coped with one meeting and that was enough. I have been in the wilderness ever since.

  3. #3

    Re: Anyone thinking of voting Green?

    Sadly for me this election is all about removing this disaster of a Govt. Therefore no.

    Saying that I will be abroad and my postal votes haven't come through so I may not be voting for anyone.

  4. #4

    Re: Anyone thinking of voting Green?

    When Europen Communism was finally smashed in 1989 with the fall of the Berlin wall, and even hard Socialism was thankfully given its “final solution” in the 1990s into the 2000s, it is no co-incidence that this odd cabal began to be formed.

    Initially it comprised of overzealous eco-warriors. But any groups desperate for membership naturally lowers its standard for membership entry. For UKIP it accepted the Bongo Bongo elderly racist guy. The error-strewn Green Party army now seems to be full of angry menapousal vegan wives, Greenpeace protestors, tree huggers, commies, frustated young girls far too ugly to get any bedroom action, economic ignoramuses, druggies, hippies, society’s cast-offs, those with no skills to contribute to society, dangerous idealists such as gender studies degree “alumni” and Feminist PhD’s, anti-semite racists and muslim fundamentalists. I dread to think what a summer garden gathering champagne and nibbles would be like with this hotch potch of Masters of Misery. What a barrel of laughs they must be.

    The nadir of this barmy party was encapsulated just a few months back in the local election when muslim fundamentalist Moeheen Ali angrily shouted “Allah Akbar” when he won the Leeds council election for The Greens, and a load of crusties cheering him on as somehow this man could offer a vision of the future. Not the image of a sensible muslim as most muslims of Leeds surelt are. Wise choice, Leeds. All he was seemingly missing in his photo-op celebrations was a rifle and perhaps a live celebratory media conference with the Afghani Taliban to congratulate him.

    If the UKIP/BNP are hate-filled disenfranchised right wing extremists, then it is obvious to any casual observer that The Greens are its equivalent evil twin on the Left. They represent and capture anger. But they do not have the brains, vision, people, leadership nor solutions for the future.

    When things are bad these parties represent a “Barmy-O-Meter” of the Ventier Class, but nothing to take too seriously. They are bonkers. Just humour them a little. They’ll go away or go bust in due course.

  5. #5

    Re: Anyone thinking of voting Green?

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    This excellent stream from last night has the Greens winning four seats and I notice they’re up to nine points in a poll for the Observer this morning.

    Absolutely not. I have several Green friends, including one who was elected as a councillor. Nice person, but assumed money grew on trees so they really aren't strong enough on economic matters. They have shifted leftwards too in the UK, which I think is an error as across Europe they tend to be a little more centrist and are often in government coalitions.

    For me their importance is more as a kind of pressure group on all parties than being s viable party of government themselves

  6. #6
    International jon1959's Avatar
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    Sheffield - out of Roath

    Re: Anyone thinking of voting Green?

    I have thought about giving them my vote, but Labour still has it for this election.

    I did vote Green in the last local elections (and the Mayor & Police/Crime Commissioner) - and they won, unseating the Lib Dems for the first time in decades.

    The Greens are in coalition with Labour on Sheffield Council - and (sadly for me) seem to be the more principled, energetic and effective partner.

    They have hoovered up a lot of traditional Labour support in my part of the world - and are definitely seen as the radical alternative to the now firmly right-wing Starmer Labour Party. They get their funding from members - not from rich donors and lobbyists.

    There is an element of wish list to their manifesto - but overall it is well thought out and deals with the real challenges facing the UK.

    If or when Starmer finally breaks Labour the Greens will get my votes every time.

  7. #7

    Re: Anyone thinking of voting Green?

    Labour , Liberal , Green , anything but the tories

    Very important that the green party are about

    But in terms of their manifesto it's not viable

    Liberal plans for the care sector, which is absolutely shot to bits are better than labour and tories but this country won't pay for better health and social care

  8. #8

    Re: Anyone thinking of voting Green?

    Quote Originally Posted by Hilts View Post
    Sadly for me this election is all about removing this disaster of a Govt. Therefore no.

    Saying that I will be abroad and my postal votes haven't come through so I may not be voting for anyone.
    I’ve just switched to a postal vote and it’s not arrived yet. I had one for a short while when I lived in Cardiff as well and, from memory,I would have received and sent it off by now.

  9. #9

    Re: Anyone thinking of voting Green?

    Quote Originally Posted by jon1959 View Post
    I have thought about giving them my vote, but Labour still has it for this election.

    I did vote Green in the last local elections (and the Mayor & Police/Crime Commissioner) - and they won, unseating the Lib Dems for the first time in decades.

    The Greens are in coalition with Labour on Sheffield Council - and (sadly for me) seem to be the more principled, energetic and effective partner.

    They have hoovered up a lot of traditional Labour support in my part of the world - and are definitely seen as the radical alternative to the now firmly right-wing Starmer Labour Party. They get their funding from members - not from rich donors and lobbyists.

    There is an element of wish list to their manifesto - but overall it is well thought out and deals with the real challenges facing the UK.

    If or when Starmer finally breaks Labour the Greens will get my votes every time.
    Good lad, voting Labour is the only way for us to get digital surveillance and control, and I would love to experience it in real-life before I die.

  10. #10

    Re: Anyone thinking of voting Green?

    Quote Originally Posted by jon1959 View Post
    I have thought about giving them my vote, but Labour still has it for this election.

    I did vote Green in the last local elections (and the Mayor & Police/Crime Commissioner) - and they won, unseating the Lib Dems for the first time in decades.

    The Greens are in coalition with Labour on Sheffield Council - and (sadly for me) seem to be the more principled, energetic and effective partner.

    They have hoovered up a lot of traditional Labour support in my part of the world - and are definitely seen as the radical alternative to the now firmly right-wing Starmer Labour Party. They get their funding from members - not from rich donors and lobbyists.

    There is an element of wish list to their manifesto - but overall it is well thought out and deals with the real challenges facing the UK.

    If or when Starmer finally breaks Labour the Greens will get my votes every time.
    Good post Jon. The Greens made a pact with Plaid in Cardiff which was the real reason I stopped being active. Your posts make my flippancy regarding politics and this election look even more flippant! The truth is I’m worn down by it all and have no political home. Can’t bring myself to drape myself in a Union Flag. My local MP squeezed diazepam out of a vulnerable constituent. That’s how bad it is!

  11. #11
    International jon1959's Avatar
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    Sheffield - out of Roath

    Re: Anyone thinking of voting Green?

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    Good lad, voting Labour is the only way for us to get digital surveillance and control, and I would love to experience it in real-life before I die.
    You don't think we have digital surveillance and control now? I thought you were on the ball with all this stuff?

  12. #12

    Re: Anyone thinking of voting Green?

    Quote Originally Posted by jon1959 View Post
    You don't think we have digital surveillance and control now? I thought you were on the ball with all this stuff?
    It's still at a mickey mouse level, the real stuff is lurking around the corner.

  13. #13

    Re: Anyone thinking of voting Green?

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    I’ve just switched to a postal vote and it’s not arrived yet. I had one for a short while when I lived in Cardiff as well and, from memory,I would have received and sent it off by now.
    I'll chase it up tomorrow.

  14. #14

    Re: Anyone thinking of voting Green?

    On a personal level I have done everything I can possibly do to reduce our energy consumption. We have massively improved the level of insulation in our house, draught-proofed as much as possible, installed solar PV and solar thermal, use only LED lighting, reduced the usage of the cooker by using an air frier and minimise use of "stand by" on electrical appliances.

    I would like to vote "Green" but currently it would be a wasted vote IMO.

  15. #15

    Re: Anyone thinking of voting Green?

    If you're voting in Cardiff West the Green candidate, Jess Ryan, is a paper candidate and she has done no campaigning, canvassing or leafleting. She hasn't attended any hustings either.

    Vote Kiera Marshall!

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Anyone thinking of voting Green?

    God no there a batty bunch of cardogan wearing, self serving middle class rich fecks

  17. #17

    Re: Anyone thinking of voting Green?

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    God no there a batty bunch of cardogan wearing, self serving middle class rich fecks
    Biggest hyoocrites around. Hectoring and preaching about “not flying” and being “carbon free” to any dumbass willing to be gullable enough to lend them their lobes. A senior member of their party admitted to three long haul flights this year. So telling us not to fly and taking three in one year themselves - hypocritical c*nts. As I said one Green candidate in the 2019 election “Get off my ****ing drive now and go and badger someone else dumb enough to listen”.

    The Greens are akin to being the head of the RSPCA and lecturing to everyone about animal welfare, only to then be caught red-handed, gang raping the neighbours dog.

    They are snake-oil peddling scumbags, preying on the public’s exaggerated fears. Although the IQ of the average voting Brit should never be overestimated, it seems they have enough street smarts to smell the bullshit from these clowns and give them a wide berth.

    Why do the Greens appear so thick? Because they cannot earn a living as a normal job, too lazy to get one, or they are Trustafarians living off daddy’s cash and trying to create a powerful job opening in politics. Nice crafty angle Tarquin and Arabella, but no thanks.

    They will win hardly any seats so they should apply for a shit job in the local council scratching their bollocks at the desk pushing paper, or get on the tills in LIDL - if any dopey bastard will hire them.

  18. #18

    Re: Anyone thinking of voting Green?

    Quote Originally Posted by Keyser Soze View Post
    Biggest hyoocrites around. Hectoring and preaching about “not flying” and being “carbon free” to any dumbass willing to be gullable enough to lend them their lobes. A senior member of their party admitted to three long haul flights this year. So telling us not to fly and taking three in one year themselves - hypocritical c*nts. As I said one Green candidate in the 2019 election “Get off my ****ing drive now and go and badger someone else dumb enough to listen”.

    The Greens are akin to being the head of the RSPCA and lecturing to everyone about animal welfare, only to then be caught red-handed, gang raping the neighbours dog.

    They are snake-oil peddling scumbags, preying on the public’s exaggerated fears. Although the IQ of the average voting Brit should never be overestimated, it seems they have enough street smarts to smell the bullshit from these clowns and give them a wide berth.

    Why do the Greens appear so thick? Because they cannot earn a living as a normal job, too lazy to get one, or they are Trustafarians living off daddy’s cash and trying to create a powerful job opening in politics. Nice crafty angle Tarquin and Arabella, but no thanks.

    They will win hardly any seats so they should apply for a shit job in the local council scratching their bollocks at the desk pushing paper, or get on the tills in LIDL - if any dopey bastard will hire them.
    As an afterthought, I have only recently decided at the weekend to let my two domestic cleaners go due to poor standards. But I wouldn’t even give these Green candidates that job, as it requires a bit of effort and I couldn’t bring myself to pay them the minimum wage

    The search goes on for a good worker prepare to put in the grunt and elbow grease.

  19. #19
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    Re: Anyone thinking of voting Green?

    Quote Originally Posted by Keyser Soze View Post
    As an afterthought, I have only recently decided at the weekend to let my two domestic cleaners go due to poor standards. But I wouldn’t even give these Green candidates that job, as it requires a bit of effort and I couldn’t bring myself to pay them the minimum wage

    The search goes on for a good worker prepare to put in the grunt and elbow grease.
    You have to be a parody account. Nobody has your levels of ignorance and hubris.

  20. #20

    Re: Anyone thinking of voting Green?

    Quote Originally Posted by az city View Post
    You have to be a parody account. Nobody has AzCity levels of ignorance and hubris.
    You feel challenged or insecure I see it, I get it. So your original text is corrected for you for ease of everyone’s understanding, William One-Liner.

  21. #21

    Re: Anyone thinking of voting Green?

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    I’ve just switched to a postal vote and it’s not arrived yet. I had one for a short while when I lived in Cardiff as well and, from memory,I would have received and sent it off by now.
    You can have mine if you like. If you fancy voting for Stephen Doughty.

  22. #22

    Re: Anyone thinking of voting Green?

    Quote Originally Posted by az city View Post
    You have to be a parody account. Nobody has your levels of ignorance and hubris.
    Where's the hubris in his post?

  23. #23

    Re: Anyone thinking of voting Green?

    Quote Originally Posted by severncity View Post
    If you're voting in Cardiff West the Green candidate, Jess Ryan, is a paper candidate and she has done no campaigning, canvassing or leafleting. She hasn't attended any hustings either.

    Vote Kiera Marshall!
    Kiera Mashall or Jess Ryan ?

    Which one

  24. #24

    Re: Anyone thinking of voting Green?

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    Kiera Mashall or Jess Ryan ?

    Which one
    Surely a Green candidate should not be campaigning with leaflets - waste of paper. And I hope she is not using a car to get to various campaign venues, maybe time to bring out the just stop oil van again.

  25. #25

    Re: Anyone thinking of voting Green?

    Quote Originally Posted by pipster View Post
    Surely a Green candidate should not be campaigning with leaflets - waste of paper. And I hope she is not using a car to get to various campaign venues, maybe time to bring out the just stop oil van again.
    Wait until you see the houses they live in!

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