Gladiator insurance ...
In February this year I had a call to say I've been involved in a bump in Wolverhampton and caused about 3k of damage to other vehicle.
I told them I've not been anywhere near the west midlands and someone made a mistake.
At first I thought maybe it's a clone and cAlled the police. They said i can pit an all stops out on my number plate , but that would cause me bother as I didn't want to get stopped constantly with all the mileage I do. So I didn't bother.

April, and my policy was up for renewal, my premiums went up by just more than double and I went bezerk with them on phone.
They said that the case must remain open for 6 months before it can be closed.
I told them is there anyway they can contact the other insurers and ask what vehicle they think was involved , because I thought if they got a digit wrong on "my" number plate then if it came back that it was say, for instance a Ford, and not my vauxhall , then they could help the inquiry along.
Nah, did they fack.

So 6 months passed and I had to call THEM and say "oi , 6 months is up, close case and get my premium back down".
They emailed me the same day and said "after contacting the 3rd parties solicitor we have found that the vehicle they were looking for was not a white vauxhall van so we have closed the case"...

The bastards could have done that 6 months ago.

Going back to April when my premiums shot up, I asked them are they going to pay out then, they said "of course not if you are denying you were involved in the collision". So I replied "why are my premiums going up then if you are not paying them?"
They were stuttering like fack on the phone.
Disappointing service.