Quote Originally Posted by RonnieBird View Post
Well I'd think it was very typical of his inability / refusal to see Jewish people as full members of a nation.
You remember that he (in)famously told British Jews that they didn't understand British cultures and values, well in this quote he's describing the American Jewish Lobby as "another FOREIGN lobby" isn't he ?
Of course, they're Americans who happen to be Jewish, but to him they're Jews so they're foreign in some way. Just the same as when he tells Jews in this country that they don't understand "our" British values.

He sticks a bit in about apparent links with Israel, but if his apologists here are right, not all Jews are Zionists , yet according to him they're all foreign .

All joking aside, you can see from his language that however much he tries to claim it's something about Zionism or the country of Israel , it's really not .

See, what worries me is when instead of saying " oh yeah, actually so and so isn't right - we'd better think about this creeping in" , people start trying to twist the facts and justify it. I'm surprised to be honest that we've seen that happen right here, but we have I'm afraid and it's got to be challenged because it really becomes dangerous if people don't call it out for what it is.
Sorry, I've just realised that it was the "great man" Nigel Farage who those quotes are attributed to. They were widely condemned by the Jewish community and by the CAA:


He was also condemned for perpetuating the same tropes that LoM has just done https://inews.co.uk/news/politics/ni...heories-502474

I'm sure you'll join me in condemning the massive, racist c**t and his role in the rise of anti-Semitism we've been seeing.