The government is damned if they do and damned if they don't. People say we went into lockdown too late but now are saying the new rules are too tight suggesting we should let things get worse before taking precautionary action. People say the government's rules are too complicated but others say they are not clear enough by addressing every situation which would arguably add to the confusion. The government was criticised for allowing passengers from abroad to enter the country but when the quarantine arrangements were introduced that was wrong adding to the destruction of the tourist and hospitality industries. Now the government is accused of ruining the economy which has come about significantly through the cost of the furlough arrangements but others are saying the arrangements should be extended beyond the end of October when current arrangements end.

On the downside, as we are an island, the virus should have been easier to control with the death and infection rates lower and most are agreed the test and trace arrangements are a shambles. The covid test and trace ap is released today 4 months late.

What seems clear to me is that things will not return to normal any time soon; the virus is so infectious and not everyone is obeying the rules meaning things are unlikely to get better in the foreseeable future with infection rates rising especially as Universities resume. If infection rates reduce to below current levels things will be eased and the cycle of infection is likely to occur again. The government seem to think the current restrictions will last for 6 months. How do they know? Is this another example of kicking the can down the road? Until there is a vaccination things can't get better.