Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post

Interesting debate and your views and those of Heisenberg is proof indeed that humans have the free will that God graced us with. Your comments about Jesus surprise me as your birth is measured by the days and years since his birth. A person that was so insignificant, according to you, that the world counts time by him.

Whether you believe in God or not the immense order and interdependence of species on earth indicates that it came about by more that chance chaos.

Personally I believe that God created heaven and earth and all things visible and invisible. In his creation is the blueprint for everything. There are some certainties, ...'from ash we came and to ash we will return', and that applies to all life.

I have a good mate a very famous scientist. He was the first person to discover a drug to successfully treat what was, not so long ago, a disease that killed a lot of people. Did he discover something 'new' in the sense that it didn't exist before? No, it was there in God's blueprint and he found out how to use it to help mankind. You could say the same about science and Covid vaccines

I mention balance and interdependence in life and the comments you and others have made questioning why God did not get rid of Covid, or save ill children, or feed the hungry. It's hard to take but how can he? The answers are in our hands not his. Divine intervention might be the answer you want to hear but there will be consequences in changing the blueprint of nature We see it ourselves in what we do to this planet, be it climate change, or war, or insecticides killing bees and affecting plant pollination..we are screwing up the blueprint that keeps everything in balance.

And finally there is the assumption that God has it all his own way as long as it's good. Sounds a bit dramatic but there are good and evil forces in this world and they compete for supremacy. There are the same forces in every human being and we only need to look through a newspaper of history book to see for ourselves.
But, for sure God is there to support you if you ask him and he will never turn his back on you, even if you turn your back on him

A wise and uplifting post in the face of determined denial.