Quote Originally Posted by City123 View Post
YouGov polls have also showed the Tories leading in Wales over the past couple of years only for the inevitable to happen on election day: Labour victory. 2 months before the 2017GE the Tories were leading in the polls, result? Labour win by 15%

A big issue with politics in Wales is that we don't have a proper media which means political issues in Wales are often ignored or, at best, given a 5 minute slot on BBC Wales. The vaccine success is also helping the Tories at the moment, but is being portrayed in the UK tabloid press as a Tory victory, while the WG aren't getting much credit

I also think that Labour are a busted flush and it would be nice to see them stop treating Wales for granted, I'm hopeful they get replaced by Plaid, but fearful that its the Tories who will benefit

I think a Lab-Plaid coalition is likely and the idea of a shared first ministership has been mooted. Drakeford has already said he wouldn't serve the full term so its already set up for Adam Price to take over halfway through. It could also be used as an excuse for Welsh Lab to pass some policies that UK Labour wouldn't be entirely happy with
Plaid are far more socialist than labour will ever be but I am totally opposed to independence so couldn't ever vote plaids, unless it was to keep a tory out