Quote Originally Posted by Taunton Blue Genie View Post
Where does the BBC state that Cummings' claims are true?
I give in clever man, where does the BBC say his claims are true?

If you read my post you will grasp that I was listening to the radio and therefore it isn't written anywhere. I'll give you the benefit of knowing that, which leaves the question of why did you ask when you knew there was nothing.
The aggressive questioning but the presenters on both programmes. All their questioned were predicated on the assumption that what he said was right and how could Johnson/Hancock possibly deny them. And when they interviewed someone who appeared not to agree with that premise they continued to press them over and over again to agree that it was so.

As I have said here before, it is all too easy for people to demand 'proof' and 'links' without having to actually engage in any thought themselves are having to actually voice a personal opinion. God forefend.
That type of questioning is quite normal for those programmes