Whilst I have tremendous respect for people out in all weather pounding the pavements or cycling over hill and valley I don't know how they do it

My mate is fairly fit and does mini triathlons of 1 mile swim , 10k run and 30 mile bike ride but that's not hard-core........even that would kill me

Where does the motivation to become fit and trim come from . Running clubs , cycling clubs , squash ladders , park runs , boot camps at 6 am in the morning ff sake , karate 3 times a week ! 😀

I walk 4 times a week and have dumbells but thats about all I can deal with

I take my hat off to fit people , it must be in the genes

There a bloke over the road from me , nice fella , he's into his body building . He's up at 3 am drinking a protein shake ff sake

Have a look at the physique of Kirk Douglas, spartacus era , bet he wasn't up in the early hours supping chocolate whey drink !