Quote Originally Posted by Dorcus View Post
Not often I agree with you but I do in this case. There is plenty of scope to change the system and I propose that the way to start would be to set up a cross party parliamentary commission to initiate deliberations.

I'm actually not averse to making the NHS a means tested system at its base; charges being implemented on a sliding scale according to income/wealth and having the support of a government backed Health Insurance scheme.

As long as rock solid guarantees of the rejection of future privatisation were obtained I think it a worthwhile starting point for discussion. However you are absolutely right there needs to be a dispassionate analysis on how the administration burden can be better organized.
I'm glad you agree on the need for change. I don't think a cross party political group is the way to go. We need a group of experts who understand healthcare and organisational structures to look at it.
As far as a government backed health insurance scheme is concerned we already have one.....It's called the NHS.
Regarding privatisation, people think of the US model. But in UK we have a lot of privatisation...GP surgeries are private businesses contracted to the NHS, likewise dentists, optometrists, and community pharmacies. Similarly night time GP cover, locum services all supplied by private companies, as are the medicines we take.
Finally, there are already charges being implemented: NHS dental charges, eye test etc charges, prescription charges ( not in Wales where its free, but £9.35 per item in England)

It's all grown like topsy over the years and experience, and expectations, of patients have changed accordingly.