Quote Originally Posted by JamesWales View Post
Germany has done nothing on Nordsteam. They havent ripped up the pipeline you know. It isnt currently operating. The UK's actions at this juncture probably has a more direct immediate impact

Poland by the way, have criticised Germany. And as for the EU: A senior EU diplomat previously said there was "a whole escalation ladder, starting with Russian individuals and moving up to finance, trade, and eventually energy", adding: "A lot is possible."

It seems that the UK approach is probably pretty much in line with others.

For some reason you missed this bit at the bottom.

Germany’s decision to shutter the Nord Stream 2 pipeline is a big one, for all sorts of reasons.

For one thing, it will cost Russia money in energy exports.

That’s bad for the Russian economy, and also troubling for some of the oligarchs who surround the Russian leader.

For another, it shows that Germany – the richest country in the European Union – is prepared to follow through on its threats.

Chancellor Olaf Scholz was very slow to accept that the future of Nord Stream 2 had to be on the table – now, he’s delivered, fast.

It’s also a sign that the European Union is serious about acting quickly against Russia – perhaps quicker and more determinedly than President Putin would have thought.

Losing Nord Stream 2 (and it’s not clear whether it’s been cancelled, or just indefinitely postponed) will hurt Germany, but it’s a price that Mr Scholz is willing to pay.

That’s a pretty clear message to send to Moscow.