Quote Originally Posted by Citizen's Nephew View Post
It's meant to be inflammatory. Someone has to point this stuff out as we're up against extreme right wing bias, and yeah, it's written by a white guy for white guys. I regard your stance as extreme too (you'll be aghast at that I'm sure). There you go again, calling my posts unhinged guff. That's not debate and you know it, it's a superior attitude and shows you have the inability to demonstrate any humility when someone is actually engaging with you. It's lecturing - talking down to people. As I said before, sanctimonious. It's a shame.
No, I call it guff because you offer no evidence for your opinions, whereas I will typically back mine up.

You say it's racist (if so, report it as a hate crime)
You say it's only written for white men, when the majority of the Daily Mails readership aren't white men
You say I'm extreme for objecting to you labelling anyone who agrees with the article as being aligned with Stormfront (A KKK website!)
You say I'm lecturing, but I've raised issues of public services and suggested that a balanced diet of internet news is healthy
You say you are up against extreme right wing bias, when four of the top 6 news brands in the UK are left or left of centre.

Basically, you are just saying stuff that isn't true and you are doing it in a totally divisive and inflamatory way. If you are going to throw crap around on the internet, you should at least be able to back it up.